Search Results for author: L. Wang

Found 9 papers, 2 papers with code

Review of medical data analysis based on spiking neural networks

no code implementations13 Nov 2022 X. Li, X. Zhang, X. Yi, D. Liu, H. Wang, B. Zhang, D. Zhao, L. Wang

Medical data mainly includes various types of biomedical signals and medical images, which can be used by professional doctors to make judgments on patients' health conditions.

EEG Electromyography (EMG)

CSI Feedback with Model-Driven Deep Learning of Massive MIMO Systems

no code implementations13 Dec 2021 J. Guo, L. Wang, F. Li, J. Xue

In order to achieve reliable communication with a high data rate of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in frequency division duplex (FDD) mode, the estimated channel state information (CSI) at the receiver needs to be fed back to the transmitter.

Deep Learning

Boosting-GNN: Boosting Algorithm for Graph Networks on Imbalanced Node Classification

no code implementations25 May 2021 S. Shi, Kai Qiao, Shuai Yang, L. Wang, J. Chen, Bin Yan

Traditional methods such as resampling, reweighting, and synthetic samples that deal with imbalanced datasets are no longer applicable in GNN.

Ensemble Learning Graph Neural Network +2

Multi-task single channel speech enhancement using speech presence probability as a secondary task training target

no code implementations15 Nov 2020 L. Wang, J. Zhu, I. Kodrasi

Simulation results show that the dereverberation and noise reduction performance of a single-task DNN trained to directly estimate the Wiener gain is higher than the performance of single-task DNNs trained to estimate the desired signal magnitude, the interference power spectral density, or the signal-to-interference ratio.

Multi-Task Learning Speech Enhancement

Angular Learning: Toward Discriminative Embedded Features

no code implementations17 Dec 2019 JT Wu, L. Wang

The margin-based softmax loss functions greatly enhance intra-class compactness and perform well on the tasks of face recognition and object classification.

Face Recognition

Photometric redshifts for the Kilo-Degree Survey. Machine-learning analysis with artificial neural networks

no code implementations13 Sep 2017 M. Bilicki, H. Hoekstra, M. J. I. Brown, V. Amaro, C. Blake, S. Cavuoti, J. T. A. de Jong, C. Georgiou, H. Hildebrandt, C. Wolf, A. Amon, M. Brescia, S. Brough, M. V. Costa-Duarte, T. Erben, K. Glazebrook, A. Grado, C. Heymans, T. Jarrett, S. Joudaki, K. Kuijken, G. Longo, N. Napolitano, D. Parkinson, C. Vellucci, G. A. Verdoes Kleijn, L. Wang

The second dataset, optimized for low-redshift studies such as galaxy-galaxy lensing, is limited to r<20, and provides photo-zs of much better quality than in the full-depth case thanks to incorporating optical magnitudes, colours, and sizes in the GAMA-calibrated photo-z derivation.

Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics Astrophysics of Galaxies Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

The evolution of the 3D shape of the broad-lined type Ic SN 2014ad

1 code implementation20 Apr 2017 H. F. Stevance, J. R. Maund, D. Baade, P. Höflich, S. Howerton, F. Patat, M. Rose, J. Spyromilio, J. C. Wheeler, L. Wang

It is difficult to reconcile the geometry of the deeper ejecta with a jet driven explosion, but the high ejecta velocities of SN 2014ad are typical of those observed in SNe Ic-bl with GRBs, and the behaviour of the oxygen and calcium line-forming regions is consistent with fully jet-driven models.

High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

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