Search Results for author: Lana Vasung

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Characterizing normal perinatal development of the human brain structural connectivity

no code implementations22 Aug 2023 Yihan Wu, Lana Vasung, Camilo Calixto, Ali Gholipour, Davood Karimi

The new computational method and results are useful for assessing normal and abnormal development of the structural connectome early in life.

A machine learning-based method for estimating the number and orientations of major fascicles in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

1 code implementation19 Jun 2020 Davood Karimi, Lana Vasung, Camilo Jaimes, Fedel Machado-Rivas, Shadab Khan, Simon K. Warfield, Ali Gholipour

Existing methods for estimating the number and orientations of fascicles in an imaging voxel either depend on non-convex optimization techniques that are sensitive to initialization and measurement noise, or are prone to predicting spurious fascicles.

A Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Cortical Plate Segmentation in Fetal MRI

2 code implementations27 Apr 2020 Haoran Dou, Davood Karimi, Caitlin K. Rollins, Cynthia M. Ortinau, Lana Vasung, Clemente Velasco-Annis, Abdelhakim Ouaalam, Xin Yang, Dong Ni, Ali Gholipour

Automatic segmentation of the cortical plate, on the other hand, is challenged by the relatively low resolution of the reconstructed fetal brain MRI scans compared to the thin structure of the cortical plate, partial voluming, and the wide range of variations in the morphology of the cortical plate as the brain matures during gestation.


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