Search Results for author: Lanxi Xiao

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Proceedings of The second international workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts)

no code implementations20 Jun 2024 Nick Bryan-Kinns, Corey Ford, Shuoyang Zheng, Helen Kennedy, Alan Chamberlain, Makayla Lewis, Drew Hemment, Zijin Li, Qiong Wu, Lanxi Xiao, Gus Xia, Jeba Rezwana, Michael Clemens, Gabriel Vigliensoni

This second international workshop on explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts) brought together a community of researchers in HCI, Interaction Design, AI, explainable AI (XAI), and digital arts to explore the role of XAI for the Arts.

Diagnosing Ensemble Few-Shot Classifiers

no code implementations9 Jun 2022 Weikai Yang, Xi Ye, Xingxing Zhang, Lanxi Xiao, Jiazhi Xia, Zhongyuan Wang, Jun Zhu, Hanspeter Pfister, Shixia Liu

The base learners and labeled samples (shots) in an ensemble few-shot classifier greatly affect the model performance.

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