Search Results for author: Lars Borin

Found 27 papers, 0 papers with code

From Linguistic Descriptions to Language Profiles

no code implementations LREC 2020 Shafqat Mumtaz Virk, Harald Hammarstr{\"o}m, Lars Borin, Markus Forsberg, S{\o}ren Wichmann

Language catalogues and typological databases are two important types of resources containing different types of knowledge about the world{'}s natural languages.


Towards a Swedish Roget-Style Thesaurus for NLP

no code implementations LREC 2020 Niklas Zechner, Lars Borin

Bring{'}s thesaurus (Bring) is a Swedish counterpart of Roget, and its digitized version could make a valuable language resource for use in many and diverse natural language processing (NLP) applications.


Exploiting Frame-Semantics and Frame-Semantic Parsing for Automatic Extraction of Typological Information from Descriptive Grammars of Natural Languages

no code implementations RANLP 2019 Shafqat Mumtaz Virk, Azam Sheikh Muhammad, Lars Borin, Muhammad Irfan Aslam, Saania Iqbal, Nazia Khurram

We describe a novel system for automatic extraction of typological linguistic information from descriptive grammars of natural languages, applying the theory of frame semantics in the form of frame-semantic parsing.

Descriptive Semantic Parsing

Towards Assessing Argumentation Annotation - A First Step

no code implementations WS 2019 Anna Lindahl, Lars Borin, Jacobo Rouces

This paper presents a first attempt at using Walton{'}s argumentation schemes for annotating arguments in Swedish political text and assessing the feasibility of using this particular set of schemes with two linguistically trained annotators.

Candidate sentence selection for language learning exercises: from a comprehensive framework to an empirical evaluation

no code implementations12 Jun 2017 Ildikó Pilán, Elena Volodina, Lars Borin

We present a framework and its implementation relying on Natural Language Processing methods, which aims at the identification of exercise item candidates from corpora.


HFST-SweNER --- A New NER Resource for Swedish

no code implementations LREC 2014 Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Jyrki Niemi, Sam Hardwick, Krister Lind{\'e}n, Lars Borin

Named entity recognition (NER) is a knowledge-intensive information extraction task that is used for recognizing textual mentions of entities that belong to a predefined set of categories, such as locations, organizations and time expressions.

Machine Translation named-entity-recognition +5

Bring vs. MTRoget: Evaluating automatic thesaurus translation

no code implementations LREC 2014 Lars Borin, Jens Allwood, Gerard de Melo

Evaluation of automatic language-independent methods for language technology resource creation is difficult, and confounded by a largely unknown quantity, viz.


Properties of phoneme N -grams across the world's language families

no code implementations4 Jan 2014 Taraka Rama, Lars Borin

We investigate if the sizes of three different N-gram distributions of the world's language families obey a power law.

Korp --- the corpus infrastructure of Spr\aakbanken

no code implementations LREC 2012 Lars Borin, Markus Forsberg, Johan Roxendal

The infrastructure consists of three main components: the Korp corpus pipeline, the Korp backend, and the Korp frontend.


The open lexical infrastructure of Spr\aakbanken

no code implementations LREC 2012 Lars Borin, Markus Forsberg, Leif-J{\"o}ran Olsson, Jonatan Uppstr{\"o}m

We present our ongoing work on Karp, Spr{\aa}kbanken's (the Swedish Language Bank) open lexical infrastructure, which has two main functions: (1) to support the work on creating, curating, and integrating our various lexical resources; and (2) to publish daily versions of the resources, making them searchable and downloadable.

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