Search Results for author: Lars Hammarstrand

Found 14 papers, 8 papers with code

Exploring Semi-Supervised Learning for Online Mapping

no code implementations14 Oct 2024 Adam Lilja, Erik Wallin, Junsheng Fu, Lars Hammarstrand

The performance gap to using all labels is reduced from 29. 6 to 3. 4 mIoU on Argoverse, and from 12 to 3. 4 mIoU on NuScenes utilising only 10% of the labelled data.

Autonomous Driving

ProSub: Probabilistic Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Subspace-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection

1 code implementation16 Jul 2024 Erik Wallin, Lennart Svensson, Fredrik Kahl, Lars Hammarstrand

Moreover, we propose an approach to estimate the conditional distributions of scores given ID or OOD data, enabling probabilistic predictions of data being ID or OOD.

Out-of-Distribution Detection

Are NeRFs ready for autonomous driving? Towards closing the real-to-simulation gap

no code implementations24 Mar 2024 Carl Lindström, Georg Hess, Adam Lilja, Maryam Fatemi, Lars Hammarstrand, Christoffer Petersson, Lennart Svensson

Specifically, we evaluate object detectors and an online mapping model on real and simulated data, and study the effects of different fine-tuning strategies. Our results show notable improvements in model robustness to simulated data, even improving real-world performance in some cases.

Autonomous Driving Data Augmentation +3

Localization Is All You Evaluate: Data Leakage in Online Mapping Datasets and How to Fix It

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Adam Lilja, Junsheng Fu, Erik Stenborg, Lars Hammarstrand

Specifically, over $80$% of nuScenes and $40$% of Argoverse 2 validation and test samples are less than $5$ m from a training sample.

Improving Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Self-Supervision

1 code implementation24 Jan 2023 Erik Wallin, Lennart Svensson, Fredrik Kahl, Lars Hammarstrand

Open-set semi-supervised learning (OSSL) embodies a practical scenario within semi-supervised learning, wherein the unlabeled training set encompasses classes absent from the labeled set.

Open Set Learning

Extended Object Tracking Using Sets Of Trajectories with a PHD Filter

no code implementations2 Sep 2021 Jakob Sjudin, Martin Marcusson, Lennart Svensson, Lars Hammarstrand

PHD filtering is a common and effective multiple object tracking (MOT) algorithm used in scenarios where the number of objects and their states are unknown.

Multiple Object Tracking Object

Back to the Feature: Learning Robust Camera Localization from Pixels to Pose

2 code implementations CVPR 2021 Paul-Edouard Sarlin, Ajaykumar Unagar, Måns Larsson, Hugo Germain, Carl Toft, Viktor Larsson, Marc Pollefeys, Vincent Lepetit, Lars Hammarstrand, Fredrik Kahl, Torsten Sattler

In this paper, we go Back to the Feature: we argue that deep networks should focus on learning robust and invariant visual features, while the geometric estimation should be left to principled algorithms.

3D geometry Camera Localization +3

Fine-Grained Segmentation Networks: Self-Supervised Segmentation for Improved Long-Term Visual Localization

1 code implementation18 Aug 2019 Måns Larsson, Erik Stenborg, Carl Toft, Lars Hammarstrand, Torsten Sattler, Fredrik Kahl

In this paper, we propose a new neural network, the Fine-Grained Segmentation Network (FGSN), that can be used to provide image segmentations with a larger number of labels and can be trained in a self-supervised fashion.

Autonomous Driving Segmentation +1

A Cross-Season Correspondence Dataset for Robust Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation16 Mar 2019 Måns Larsson, Erik Stenborg, Lars Hammarstrand, Torsten Sattler, Mark Pollefeys, Fredrik Kahl

We show that adding the correspondences as extra supervision during training improves the segmentation performance of the convolutional neural network, making it more robust to seasonal changes and weather conditions.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Mapping Using Gibbs Sampling

no code implementations7 Nov 2018 Maryam Fatemi, Karl Granström, Lennart Svensson, Francisco J. R. Ruiz, Lars Hammarstrand

The proposed method can handle uncertainties in the data associations and the cardinality of the set of landmarks, and is parallelizable, making it suitable for large-scale problems.

Semantic Match Consistency for Long-Term Visual Localization

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Carl Toft, Erik Stenborg, Lars Hammarstrand, Lucas Brynte, Marc Pollefeys, Torsten Sattler, Fredrik Kahl

Robust and accurate visual localization across large appearance variations due to changes in time of day, seasons, or changes of the environment is a challenging problem which is of importance to application areas such as navigation of autonomous robots.

Visual Localization

Long-term Visual Localization using Semantically Segmented Images

no code implementations16 Jan 2018 Erik Stenborg, Carl Toft, Lars Hammarstrand

Robust cross-seasonal localization is one of the major challenges in long-term visual navigation of autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles Descriptive +3

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