Search Results for author: Laura Battaglia

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Marginal Causal Flows for Validation and Inference

1 code implementation2 Nov 2024 Daniel de Vassimon Manela, Laura Battaglia, Robin J. Evans

Investigating the marginal causal effect of an intervention on an outcome from complex data remains challenging due to the inflexibility of employed models and the lack of complexity in causal benchmark datasets, which often fail to reproduce intricate real-world data patterns.

Normalising Flows

Inference for Regression with Variables Generated by AI or Machine Learning

no code implementations23 Feb 2024 Laura Battaglia, Timothy Christensen, Stephen Hansen, Szymon Sacher

It has become common practice for researchers to use AI-powered information retrieval algorithms or other machine learning methods to estimate variables of economic interest, then use these estimates as covariates in a regression model.

Information Retrieval regression +2

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Regression with High-Dimensional Categorical Data

no code implementations16 Jul 2021 Szymon Sacher, Laura Battaglia, Stephen Hansen

Latent variable models are increasingly used in economics for high-dimensional categorical data like text and surveys.

regression valid +1

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