Search Results for author: Laura J. Freeman

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Deep Neural Network Identification of Limnonectes Species and New Class Detection Using Image Data

no code implementations15 Nov 2023 Li Xu, Yili Hong, Eric P. Smith, David S. McLeod, Xinwei Deng, Laura J. Freeman

We demonstrate that deep neural networks can successfully automate the classification of an image into a known species group for which it has been trained.

Network Identification Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

Statistical Perspectives on Reliability of Artificial Intelligence Systems

no code implementations9 Nov 2021 Yili Hong, Jiayi Lian, Li Xu, Jie Min, Yueyao Wang, Laura J. Freeman, Xinwei Deng

We also describe recent developments in modeling and analysis of AI reliability and outline statistical research challenges in this area, including out-of-distribution detection, the effect of the training set, adversarial attacks, model accuracy, and uncertainty quantification, and discuss how those topics can be related to AI reliability, with illustrative examples.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Uncertainty Quantification

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