Search Results for author: Ledell Wu

Found 16 papers, 9 papers with code

AltDiffusion: A Multilingual Text-to-Image Diffusion Model

1 code implementation19 Aug 2023 Fulong Ye, Guang Liu, Xinya Wu, Ledell Wu

Specifically, we first train a multilingual text encoder based on the knowledge distillation.

Blocking Concept Alignment +1

UniTabE: A Universal Pretraining Protocol for Tabular Foundation Model in Data Science

no code implementations18 Jul 2023 Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Guang Liu, Ledell Wu, Qi Liu

This research primarily centers on classification and regression tasks involving tabular data, and conducts rigorous experimental testing and analyses to validate the effectiveness of our methodology.

EVA-CLIP: Improved Training Techniques for CLIP at Scale

4 code implementations27 Mar 2023 Quan Sun, Yuxin Fang, Ledell Wu, Xinlong Wang, Yue Cao

Our approach incorporates new techniques for representation learning, optimization, and augmentation, enabling EVA-CLIP to achieve superior performance compared to previous CLIP models with the same number of parameters but significantly smaller training costs.

Image Classification Representation Learning +2

PTab: Using the Pre-trained Language Model for Modeling Tabular Data

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Guang Liu, Jie Yang, Ledell Wu

The learning of an effective contextual representation requires meaningful features and a large amount of data.

Language Modelling Representation Learning +1

Ultron: An Ultimate Retriever on Corpus with a Model-based Indexer

no code implementations19 Aug 2022 Yujia Zhou, Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou, Ledell Wu, Peitian Zhang, Ji-Rong Wen

In order to unify these two stages, we explore a model-based indexer for document retrieval.


Calculating Question Similarity is Enough: A New Method for KBQA Tasks

no code implementations15 Nov 2021 Hanyu Zhao, Sha Yuan, Jiahong Leng, Xiang Pan, Guoqiang Wang, Ledell Wu, Jie Tang

Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) aims to answer natural language questions with the help of an external knowledge base.

Entity Linking Knowledge Base Question Answering +3

Dynaboard: An Evaluation-As-A-Service Platform for Holistic Next-Generation Benchmarking

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Zhiyi Ma, Kawin Ethayarajh, Tristan Thrush, Somya Jain, Ledell Wu, Robin Jia, Christopher Potts, Adina Williams, Douwe Kiela

We introduce Dynaboard, an evaluation-as-a-service framework for hosting benchmarks and conducting holistic model comparison, integrated with the Dynabench platform.


Multilingual Autoregressive Entity Linking

1 code implementation23 Mar 2021 Nicola De Cao, Ledell Wu, Kashyap Popat, Mikel Artetxe, Naman Goyal, Mikhail Plekhanov, Luke Zettlemoyer, Nicola Cancedda, Sebastian Riedel, Fabio Petroni

Moreover, in a zero-shot setting on languages with no training data at all, mGENRE treats the target language as a latent variable that is marginalized at prediction time.

Ranked #2 on Entity Disambiguation on Mewsli-9 (using extra training data)

Entity Disambiguation Entity Linking

Multi-Dimensional Gender Bias Classification

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Emily Dinan, Angela Fan, Ledell Wu, Jason Weston, Douwe Kiela, Adina Williams

We show our classifiers prove valuable for a variety of important applications, such as controlling for gender bias in generative models, detecting gender bias in arbitrary text, and shed light on offensive language in terms of genderedness.

Classification General Classification

Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering

18 code implementations EMNLP 2020 Vladimir Karpukhin, Barlas Oğuz, Sewon Min, Patrick Lewis, Ledell Wu, Sergey Edunov, Danqi Chen, Wen-tau Yih

Open-domain question answering relies on efficient passage retrieval to select candidate contexts, where traditional sparse vector space models, such as TF-IDF or BM25, are the de facto method.

Open-Domain Question Answering Passage Retrieval +1

Scalable Zero-shot Entity Linking with Dense Entity Retrieval

3 code implementations EMNLP 2020 Ledell Wu, Fabio Petroni, Martin Josifoski, Sebastian Riedel, Luke Zettlemoyer

This paper introduces a conceptually simple, scalable, and highly effective BERT-based entity linking model, along with an extensive evaluation of its accuracy-speed trade-off.

Entity Embeddings Entity Linking +3

PyTorch-BigGraph: A Large-scale Graph Embedding System

1 code implementation28 Mar 2019 Adam Lerer, Ledell Wu, Jiajun Shen, Timothee Lacroix, Luca Wehrstedt, Abhijit Bose, Alex Peysakhovich

Graph embedding methods produce unsupervised node features from graphs that can then be used for a variety of machine learning tasks.

 Ranked #1 on Link Prediction on YouTube (Macro F1 metric)

Graph Embedding graph partitioning +1

StarSpace: Embed All The Things!

3 code implementations12 Sep 2017 Ledell Wu, Adam Fisch, Sumit Chopra, Keith Adams, Antoine Bordes, Jason Weston

A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of openly available dialogue datasets.

Collaborative Filtering Text Classification +1

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