Search Results for author: Lei Clifton

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

Sample Selection Bias in Machine Learning for Healthcare

1 code implementation13 May 2024 Vinod Kumar Chauhan, Lei Clifton, Achille Salaün, Huiqi Yvonne Lu, Kim Branson, Patrick Schwab, Gaurav Nigam, David A. Clifton

Specifically, we propose two independent networks(T-Net) and a multitasking network (MT-Net) for addressing SSB, where one network/task identifies the target subpopulation which is representative of the study population and the second makes predictions for the identified subpopulation.

Selection bias

A Survey of Large Language Models in Medicine: Progress, Application, and Challenge

1 code implementation9 Nov 2023 Hongjian Zhou, Fenglin Liu, Boyang Gu, Xinyu Zou, Jinfa Huang, Jinge Wu, Yiru Li, Sam S. Chen, Peilin Zhou, Junling Liu, Yining Hua, Chengfeng Mao, Chenyu You, Xian Wu, Yefeng Zheng, Lei Clifton, Zheng Li, Jiebo Luo, David A. Clifton

Therefore, this review aims to provide a detailed overview of the development and deployment of LLMs in medicine, including the challenges and opportunities they face.

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