Search Results for author: Leonhard Hennig

Found 33 papers, 17 papers with code

Symmetric Dot-Product Attention for Efficient Training of BERT Language Models

no code implementations10 Jun 2024 Martin Courtois, Malte Ostendorff, Leonhard Hennig, Georg Rehm

In this work, we propose an alternative compatibility function for the self-attention mechanism introduced by the Transformer architecture.

Machine Translation

PyTorch-IE: Fast and Reproducible Prototyping for Information Extraction

1 code implementation16 May 2024 Arne Binder, Leonhard Hennig, Christoph Alt

The objective of Information Extraction (IE) is to derive structured representations from unstructured or semi-structured documents.

LLMCheckup: Conversational Examination of Large Language Models via Interpretability Tools and Self-Explanations

1 code implementation23 Jan 2024 Qianli Wang, Tatiana Anikina, Nils Feldhus, Josef van Genabith, Leonhard Hennig, Sebastian Möller

Interpretability tools that offer explanations in the form of a dialogue have demonstrated their efficacy in enhancing users' understanding (Slack et al., 2023; Shen et al., 2023), as one-off explanations may fall short in providing sufficient information to the user.

counterfactual Fact Checking +4

Factuality Detection using Machine Translation -- a Use Case for German Clinical Text

no code implementations17 Aug 2023 Mohammed Bin Sumait, Aleksandra Gabryszak, Leonhard Hennig, Roland Roller

Factuality can play an important role when automatically processing clinical text, as it makes a difference if particular symptoms are explicitly not present, possibly present, not mentioned, or affirmed.

Machine Translation Translation

MultiTACRED: A Multilingual Version of the TAC Relation Extraction Dataset

1 code implementation8 May 2023 Leonhard Hennig, Philippe Thomas, Sebastian Möller

Relation extraction (RE) is a fundamental task in information extraction, whose extension to multilingual settings has been hindered by the lack of supervised resources comparable in size to large English datasets such as TACRED (Zhang et al., 2017).

Machine Translation Relation +3

Multilingual Relation Classification via Efficient and Effective Prompting

1 code implementation25 Oct 2022 Yuxuan Chen, David Harbecke, Leonhard Hennig

Prompting pre-trained language models has achieved impressive performance on various NLP tasks, especially in low data regimes.

Classification Relation +1

Full-Text Argumentation Mining on Scientific Publications

1 code implementation24 Oct 2022 Arne Binder, Bhuvanesh Verma, Leonhard Hennig

In this work, we introduce a sequential pipeline model combining ADUR and ARE for full-text SAM, and provide a first analysis of the performance of pretrained language models (PLMs) on both subtasks.

Relation Extraction

Confidence estimation of classification based on the distribution of the neural network output layer

no code implementations14 Oct 2022 Abdel Aziz Taha, Leonhard Hennig, Petr Knoth

In this paper, we propose novel methods that, given a neural network classification model, estimate uncertainty of particular predictions generated by this model.

Image Classification named-entity-recognition +3

A Comparative Study of Pre-trained Encoders for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition

1 code implementation RepL4NLP (ACL) 2022 Yuxuan Chen, Jonas Mikkelsen, Arne Binder, Christoph Alt, Leonhard Hennig

Pre-trained language models (PLM) are effective components of few-shot named entity recognition (NER) approaches when augmented with continued pre-training on task-specific out-of-domain data or fine-tuning on in-domain data.

Contrastive Learning Low Resource Named Entity Recognition +4

MobIE: A German Dataset for Named Entity Recognition, Entity Linking and Relation Extraction in the Mobility Domain

1 code implementation KONVENS (WS) 2021 Leonhard Hennig, Phuc Tran Truong, Aleksandra Gabryszak

We present MobIE, a German-language dataset, which is human-annotated with 20 coarse- and fine-grained entity types and entity linking information for geographically linkable entities.

Entity Linking Multi-Task Learning +4

SIA: A Scalable Interoperable Annotation Server for Biomedical Named Entities

1 code implementation8 Apr 2020 Johannes Kirschnick, Philippe Thomas, Roland Roller, Leonhard Hennig

Recent years showed a strong increase in biomedical sciences and an inherent increase in publication volume.

A German Corpus for Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Traffic and Industry Events

no code implementations LREC 2018 Martin Schiersch, Veselina Mironova, Maximilian Schmitt, Philippe Thomas, Aleksandra Gabryszak, Leonhard Hennig

Monitoring mobility- and industry-relevant events is important in areas such as personal travel planning and supply chain management, but extracting events pertaining to specific companies, transit routes and locations from heterogeneous, high-volume text streams remains a significant challenge.

Management named-entity-recognition +3

A Corpus Study and Annotation Schema for Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Business Products

no code implementations LREC 2018 Saskia Schön, Veselina Mironova, Aleksandra Gabryszak, Leonhard Hennig

Recognizing non-standard entity types and relations, such as B2B products, product classes and their producers, in news and forum texts is important in application areas such as supply chain monitoring and market research.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +3

Layerwise Relevance Visualization in Convolutional Text Graph Classifiers

1 code implementation WS 2019 Robert Schwarzenberg, Marc Hübner, David Harbecke, Christoph Alt, Leonhard Hennig

Representations in the hidden layers of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are often hard to interpret since it is difficult to project them into an interpretable domain.


Improving Relation Extraction by Pre-trained Language Representations

1 code implementation Automated Knowledge Base Construction Conference 2019 Christoph Alt, Marc Hübner, Leonhard Hennig

Unlike previous relation extraction models, TRE uses pre-trained deep language representations instead of explicit linguistic features to inform the relation classification and combines it with the self-attentive Transformer architecture to effectively model long-range dependencies between entity mentions.

Relation Unsupervised Pre-training

Relation- and Phrase-level Linking of FrameNet with Sar-graphs

no code implementations LREC 2016 Aleks Gabryszak, ra, Sebastian Krause, Leonhard Hennig, Feiyu Xu, Hans Uszkoreit

Recent research shows the importance of linking linguistic knowledge resources for the creation of large-scale linguistic data.

Knowledge Graphs Relation +1

GerNED: A German Corpus for Named Entity Disambiguation

no code implementations LREC 2012 Danuta Ploch, Leonhard Hennig, Angelina Duka, Ernesto William De Luca, Sahin Albayrak

Determining the real-world referents for name mentions of persons, organizations and other named entities in texts has become an important task in many information retrieval scenarios and is referred to as Named Entity Disambiguation (NED).

Clustering Coreference Resolution +6

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