Search Results for author: Lequn Wang

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Oracle-Efficient Pessimism: Offline Policy Optimization in Contextual Bandits

no code implementations13 Jun 2023 Lequn Wang, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Aleksandrs Slivkins

We consider offline policy optimization (OPO) in contextual bandits, where one is given a fixed dataset of logged interactions.

Multi-Armed Bandits

Uncertainty Quantification for Fairness in Two-Stage Recommender Systems

1 code implementation30 May 2022 Lequn Wang, Thorsten Joachims

To this end, motivated by recent advances in uncertainty quantification, we propose two threshold-policy selection rules that can provide distribution-free and finite-sample guarantees on fairness in first-stage recommenders.

Fairness Recommendation Systems +2

Improving Screening Processes via Calibrated Subset Selection

1 code implementation2 Feb 2022 Lequn Wang, Thorsten Joachims, Manuel Gomez Rodriguez

Many selection processes such as finding patients qualifying for a medical trial or retrieval pipelines in search engines consist of multiple stages, where an initial screening stage focuses the resources on shortlisting the most promising candidates.

Diversity Retrieval

Improving Expert Predictions with Conformal Prediction

1 code implementation28 Jan 2022 Eleni Straitouri, Lequn Wang, Nastaran Okati, Manuel Gomez Rodriguez

In this work, we develop an automated decision support system that, by design, does not require experts to understand when to trust the system to improve performance.

Conformal Prediction

Fairness of Exposure in Stochastic Bandits

no code implementations3 Mar 2021 Lequn Wang, Yiwei Bai, Wen Sun, Thorsten Joachims

Contextual bandit algorithms have become widely used for recommendation in online systems (e. g. marketplaces, music streaming, news), where they now wield substantial influence on which items get exposed to the users.

Fairness Multi-Armed Bandits

User Fairness, Item Fairness, and Diversity for Rankings in Two-Sided Markets

no code implementations4 Oct 2020 Lequn Wang, Thorsten Joachims

The algorithm optimizes user and item fairness as a convex optimization problem which can be solved optimally.

Diversity Fairness

Integrated Triaging for Fast Reading Comprehension

no code implementations28 Sep 2019 Felix Wu, Boyi Li, Lequn Wang, Ni Lao, John Blitzer, Kilian Q. Weinberger

This paper introduces Integrated Triaging, a framework that prunes almost all context in early layers of a network, leaving the remaining (deep) layers to scan only a tiny fraction of the full corpus.

Computational Efficiency Machine Reading Comprehension +1

FastFusionNet: New State-of-the-Art for DAWNBench SQuAD

2 code implementations28 Feb 2019 Felix Wu, Boyi Li, Lequn Wang, Ni Lao, John Blitzer, Kilian Q. Weinberger

In this technical report, we introduce FastFusionNet, an efficient variant of FusionNet [12].

Reading Comprehension Retrieval

Resource Aware Person Re-identification across Multiple Resolutions

1 code implementation CVPR 2018 Yan Wang, Lequn Wang, Yurong You, Xu Zou, Vincent Chen, Serena Li, Gao Huang, Bharath Hariharan, Kilian Q. Weinberger

Not all people are equally easy to identify: color statistics might be enough for some cases while others might require careful reasoning about high- and low-level details.

Person Re-Identification

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