Search Results for author: Leyla Isik

Found 9 papers, 2 papers with code

Using Multimodal Deep Neural Networks to Disentangle Language from Visual Aesthetics

no code implementations31 Oct 2024 Colin Conwell, Christopher Hamblin, Chelsea Boccagno, David Mayo, Jesse Cummings, Leyla Isik, Andrei Barbu

We show that unimodal vision models (e. g. SimCLR) account for the vast majority of explainable variance in these ratings.

MuMA-ToM: Multi-modal Multi-Agent Theory of Mind

2 code implementations22 Aug 2024 Haojun Shi, Suyu Ye, Xinyu Fang, Chuanyang Jin, Leyla Isik, Yen-Ling Kuo, Tianmin Shu

To truly understand how and why people interact with one another, we must infer the underlying mental states that give rise to the social interactions, i. e., Theory of Mind reasoning in multi-agent interactions.

How does the primate brain combine generative and discriminative computations in vision?

no code implementations11 Jan 2024 Benjamin Peters, James J. DiCarlo, Todd Gureckis, Ralf Haefner, Leyla Isik, Joshua Tenenbaum, Talia Konkle, Thomas Naselaris, Kimberly Stachenfeld, Zenna Tavares, Doris Tsao, Ilker Yildirim, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte

The alternative conception is that of vision as an inference process in Helmholtz's sense, where the sensory evidence is evaluated in the context of a generative model of the causal processes giving rise to it.

Relational visual representations underlie human social interaction recognition

1 code implementation Nature Communications 2023 Manasi Malik, Leyla Isik

However, growing behavioral and neuroscience evidence suggests that recognizing social interactions is a visual process, separate from complex mental state inference.

Graph Neural Network

Beyond linear regression: mapping models in cognitive neuroscience should align with research goals

no code implementations23 Aug 2022 Anna A. Ivanova, Martin Schrimpf, Stefano Anzellotti, Noga Zaslavsky, Evelina Fedorenko, Leyla Isik

Moreover, we argue that, instead of categorically treating the mapping models as linear or nonlinear, we should instead aim to estimate the complexity of these models.


Disentangled Face Representations in Deep Generative Models and the Human Brain

no code implementations NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2020 Paul Soulos, Leyla Isik

We further find that the latent dimensions in these models map onto non-overlapping regions in fMRI data, allowing us to "disentangle" different features such as 3D rotation, skin tone, and facial expression in the human brain.

Representation Learning

Computational role of eccentricity dependent cortical magnification

no code implementations6 Jun 2014 Tomaso Poggio, Jim Mutch, Leyla Isik

From the slope of the inverse of the magnification factor, M-theory predicts a cortical "fovea" in V1 in the order of $40$ by $40$ basic units at each receptive field size -- corresponding to a foveola of size around $26$ minutes of arc at the highest resolution, $\approx 6$ degrees at the lowest resolution.

ARC Translation

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