Search Results for author: Li Gao

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Topology Imbalance and Relation Inauthenticity Aware Hierarchical Graph Attention Networks for Fake News Detection

no code implementations COLING 2022 Li Gao, Lingyun Song, Jie Liu, Bolin Chen, Xuequn Shang

However, little attention is paid to the issues of both authenticity of the relationships and topology imbalance in the structure of NPG, which trick existing methods and thus lead to incorrect prediction results.

Fake News Detection Graph Attention +1

IDP-PGFE: An Interpretable Disruption Predictor based on Physics-Guided Feature Extraction

no code implementations28 Aug 2022 Chengshuo Shen, Wei Zheng, Yonghua Ding, Xinkun Ai, Fengming Xue, Yu Zhong, Nengchao Wang, Li Gao, Zhipeng Chen, Zhoujun Yang, Zhongyong Chen, Yuan Pan, J-TEXT team

Understanding why a predictor makes a certain prediction can be as crucial as the prediction's accuracy for future tokamak disruption predictors.

A Comparative Study of Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Transferable Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

1 code implementation22 Feb 2022 Jingyi Xu, Zirui Li, Li Gao, Junyi Ma, Qi Liu, Yanan Zhao

Different exploration methods of DRL, including adding action space noise and parameter space noise, are compared against each other in the transfer learning process in this work.

Deep Reinforcement Learning energy management +4

DSP: Dual Soft-Paste for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation20 Jul 2021 Li Gao, Jing Zhang, Lefei Zhang, DaCheng Tao

In addition, feature-level alignment is carried out by aligning the feature maps of the source and target images from student network using a weighted maximum mean discrepancy loss.

Semantic Segmentation Synthetic-to-Real Translation +1

Geometric Approach Towards Complete Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities

no code implementations8 Feb 2021 Li Gao, Marius Junge, Haojian Li

In this paper, we use the Carnot-Caratheodory distance from sub-Riemanian geometry to prove entropy decay estimates for all finite dimensional symmetric quantum Markov semigroups.

Quantum Physics Operator Algebras

Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation with Future Rewarding

no code implementations CONLL 2019 Xiangpeng Wei, Yue Hu, Luxi Xing, Li Gao

In this paper, we alleviate the local optimality of back-translation by learning a policy (takes the form of an encoder-decoder and is defined by its parameters) with future rewarding under the reinforcement learning framework, which aims to optimize the global word predictions for unsupervised neural machine translation.

Decoder Machine Translation +5

Capacity Estimates via comparison with TRO channels

no code implementations27 Sep 2016 Li Gao, Marius Junge, Nicholas LaRacuente

Using operator space and complex interpolation techniques, we give perturbative capacities estimates for a wider class of quantum channels by comparison to TRO channels.

Quantum Physics Operator Algebras

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