Search Results for author: Li-wei H. Lehman

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

A Knowledge Distillation Approach for Sepsis Outcome Prediction from Multivariate Clinical Time Series

no code implementations16 Nov 2023 Anna Wong, Shu Ge, Nassim Oufattole, Adam Dejl, Megan Su, Ardavan Saeedi, Li-wei H. Lehman

In this work, we use knowledge distillation via constrained variational inference to distill the knowledge of a powerful "teacher" neural network model with high predictive power to train a "student" latent variable model to learn interpretable hidden state representations to achieve high predictive performance for sepsis outcome prediction.

Knowledge Distillation Time Series +1

Treatment-RSPN: Recurrent Sum-Product Networks for Sequential Treatment Regimes

1 code implementation14 Nov 2022 Adam Dejl, Harsh Deep, Jonathan Fei, Ardavan Saeedi, Li-wei H. Lehman

Models developed using our framework benefit from the full range of RSPN capabilities, including the abilities to model the full distribution of the data, to seamlessly handle latent variables, missing values and categorical data, and to efficiently perform marginal and conditional inference.

Decision Making Missing Values

Multi-View Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks with Domain Generalization for Sleep Stage Classification

1 code implementation4 Sep 2021 Ziyu Jia, Youfang Lin, Jing Wang, Xiaojun Ning, Yuanlai He, Ronghao Zhou, Yuhan Zhou, Li-wei H. Lehman

To address the above challenges, we propose a multi-view spatial-temporal graph convolutional networks (MSTGCN) with domain generalization for sleep stage classification.

Classification Domain Generalization +1

Predicting Blood Pressure Response to Fluid Bolus Therapy Using Attention-Based Neural Networks for Clinical Interpretability

no code implementations3 Dec 2018 Uma M. Girkar, Ryo Uchimido, Li-wei H. Lehman, Peter Szolovits, Leo Celi, Wei-Hung Weng

Determining whether hypotensive patients in intensive care units (ICUs) should receive fluid bolus therapy (FBT) has been an extremely challenging task for intensive care physicians as the corresponding increase in blood pressure has been hard to predict.

regression Time Series +1

MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database

2 code implementations Nature 2016 Alistair E.W. Johnson, Tom J. Pollard, Lu Shen, Li-wei H. Lehman, Mengling Feng, Mohammad Ghassemi, Benjamin Moody, Peter Szolovits, Leo Anthony Celi, Roger G. Mark

MIMIC-III (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’) is a large, single-center database comprising information relating to patients admitted to critical care units at a large tertiary care hospital.

 Ranked #1 on Multi-Label Classification Of Biomedical Texts on MIMIC-III (using extra training data)

Blood pressure estimation Data Integration +6

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