Search Results for author: Liang Bai

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Sparse Subspace Clustering with Entropy-Norm

no code implementations ICML 2020 Liang Bai, Jiye Liang

Finally, we provide the experimental analysis to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of sparse subspace clustering and spectral clustering on ten benchmark data sets.


Improving Deep Embedded Clustering via Learning Cluster-level Representations

no code implementations COLING 2022 Qing Yin, Zhihua Wang, Yunya Song, Yida Xu, Shuai Niu, Liang Bai, Yike Guo, Xian Yang

In this paper, we propose a novel DEC model, which we named the deep embedded clustering model with cluster-level representation learning (DECCRL) to jointly learn cluster and instance level representations.

Clustering Contrastive Learning +2

Refined Response Distillation for Class-Incremental Player Detection

no code implementations1 May 2023 Liang Bai, Hangjie Yuan, Tao Feng, Hong Song, Jian Yang

Furthermore, we present the NBA-IOD and Volleyball-IOD datasets as the benchmark and investigate the IOD tasks of the players systematically.

Knowledge Distillation object-detection +1

Deep Learning for Visual Speech Analysis: A Survey

no code implementations22 May 2022 Changchong Sheng, Gangyao Kuang, Liang Bai, Chenping Hou, Yulan Guo, Xin Xu, Matti Pietikäinen, Li Liu

Visual speech, referring to the visual domain of speech, has attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications, such as public security, medical treatment, military defense, and film entertainment.

speech-recognition Visual Speech Recognition

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