Search Results for author: Liangji Fang

Found 12 papers, 5 papers with code

BEVDistill: Cross-Modal BEV Distillation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection

1 code implementation17 Nov 2022 Zehui Chen, Zhenyu Li, Shiquan Zhang, Liangji Fang, Qinhong Jiang, Feng Zhao

Instead of directly training a depth prediction network, we unify the image and LiDAR features in the Bird-Eye-View (BEV) space and adaptively transfer knowledge across non-homogenous representations in a teacher-student paradigm.

3D Object Detection Depth Estimation +4

Towards Model Generalization for Monocular 3D Object Detection

no code implementations23 May 2022 Zhenyu Li, Zehui Chen, Ang Li, Liangji Fang, Qinhong Jiang, Xianming Liu, Junjun Jiang

However, caused by severe domain gaps (e. g., the field of view (FOV), pixel size, and object size among datasets), Mono3D detectors have difficulty in generalization, leading to drastic performance degradation on unseen domains.

3D geometry Autonomous Driving +4

SimIPU: Simple 2D Image and 3D Point Cloud Unsupervised Pre-Training for Spatial-Aware Visual Representations

1 code implementation9 Dec 2021 Zhenyu Li, Zehui Chen, Ang Li, Liangji Fang, Qinhong Jiang, Xianming Liu, Junjun Jiang, Bolei Zhou, Hang Zhao

To bridge this gap, we aim to learn a spatial-aware visual representation that can describe the three-dimensional space and is more suitable and effective for these tasks.

Contrastive Learning Unsupervised Pre-training

Multimodal Motion Prediction with Stacked Transformers

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Yicheng Liu, Jinghuai Zhang, Liangji Fang, Qinhong Jiang, Bolei Zhou

Predicting multiple plausible future trajectories of the nearby vehicles is crucial for the safety of autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Diversity +1

TPNet: Trajectory Proposal Network for Motion Prediction

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Liangji Fang, Qinhong Jiang, Jianping Shi, Bolei Zhou

However, it remains difficult for these methods to provide multimodal predictions as well as integrate physical constraints such as traffic rules and movable areas.

Autonomous Driving motion prediction +1

EdgeStereo: An Effective Multi-Task Learning Network for Stereo Matching and Edge Detection

no code implementations5 Mar 2019 Xiao Song, Xu Zhao, Liangji Fang, Hanwen Hu

EdgeStereo also achieves comparable generalization performance for disparity estimation because of the incorporation of edge cues.

Disparity Estimation Edge Detection +3

Discriminative Representation Combinations for Accurate Face Spoofing Detection

no code implementations27 Aug 2018 Xiao Song, Xu Zhao, Liangji Fang, Tianwei Lin

Secondly we utilize the SSD, which is a deep learning framework for detection, to excavate context cues and conduct end-to-end face presentation attack detection.

Face Presentation Attack Detection

EdgeStereo: A Context Integrated Residual Pyramid Network for Stereo Matching

no code implementations14 Mar 2018 Xiao Song, Xu Zhao, Hanwen Hu, Liangji Fang

Recent convolutional neural networks, especially end-to-end disparity estimation models, achieve remarkable performance on stereo matching task.

Disparity Estimation Edge Detection +2

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