Search Results for author: Liangliang Zhao

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Efficient Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey from Principles to Practices

no code implementations15 Oct 2024 Zhiyuan Ma, Yuzhu Zhang, Guoli Jia, Liangliang Zhao, Yichao Ma, Mingjie Ma, Gaofeng Liu, Kaiyan Zhang, Jianjun Li, BoWen Zhou

As one of the most popular and sought-after generative models in the recent years, diffusion models have sparked the interests of many researchers and steadily shown excellent advantage in various generative tasks such as image synthesis, video generation, molecule design, 3D scene rendering and multimodal generation, relying on their dense theoretical principles and reliable application practices.

Image Generation multimodal generation +2

Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

no code implementations19 Jun 2024 Zhiyuan Ma, Liangliang Zhao, Biqing Qi, BoWen Zhou

The most advanced diffusion models have recently adopted increasingly deep stacked networks (e. g., U-Net or Transformer) to promote the generative emergence capabilities of vision generation models similar to large language models (LLMs).


Transformer-Enhanced Motion Planner: Attention-Guided Sampling for State-Specific Decision Making

no code implementations30 Apr 2024 Lei Zhuang, Jingdong Zhao, Yuntao Li, Zichun Xu, Liangliang Zhao, Hong Liu

EISE and MPT are collaboratively trained, enabling EISE to autonomously learn and extract patterns from environmental data, thereby forming semantic representations that MPT could more effectively interpret and utilize for motion planning.

Decision Making Motion Planning

NWPU-MOC: A Benchmark for Fine-grained Multi-category Object Counting in Aerial Images

1 code implementation19 Jan 2024 Junyu Gao, Liangliang Zhao, Xuelong Li

Considering the absence of a dataset for this task, a large-scale Dataset (NWPU-MOC) is collected, consisting of 3, 416 scenes with a resolution of 1024 $\times$ 1024 pixels, and well-annotated using 14 fine-grained object categories.

Object Object Counting

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