Search Results for author: Lianyong Qi

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

PDSR: A Privacy-Preserving Diversified Service Recommendation Method on Distributed Data

no code implementations28 Aug 2024 Lina Wang, Huan Yang, Yiran Shen, Chao Liu, Lianyong Qi, Xiuzhen Cheng, Feng Li

Therefore, to enable data sharing across the different platforms for diversified service recommendation, we propose a Privacy-preserving Diversified Service Recommendation (PDSR) method.

Collaborative Filtering Diversity +1

Post-Training Attribute Unlearning in Recommender Systems

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Chaochao Chen, Yizhao Zhang, Yuyuan Li, Jun Wang, Lianyong Qi, Xiaolong Xu, Xiaolin Zheng, Jianwei Yin

The first component is distinguishability loss, where we design a distribution-based measurement to make attribute labels indistinguishable from attackers.

Attribute Recommendation Systems

OptIForest: Optimal Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation22 Jun 2023 Haolong Xiang, Xuyun Zhang, Hongsheng Hu, Lianyong Qi, Wanchun Dou, Mark Dras, Amin Beheshti, Xiaolong Xu

Extensive experiments on a series of benchmarking datasets for comparative and ablation studies demonstrate that our approach can efficiently and robustly achieve better detection performance in general than the state-of-the-arts including the deep learning based methods.

Anomaly Detection Benchmarking +1

Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning based Recommendation with Counterfactual Data Augmentation

no code implementations17 Sep 2022 Xiaocong Chen, Siyu Wang, Lina Yao, Lianyong Qi, Yong Li

It is more challenging to balance the exploration and exploitation in DRL RS where RS agent need to deeply explore the informative trajectories and exploit them efficiently in the context of recommender systems.

counterfactual Data Augmentation +4

Diversity-aware Web APIs Recommendation with Compatibility Guarantee

no code implementations10 Aug 2021 Wenwen Gonga, Yulan Zhang, Xuyun Zhang, Yucong Duan, Yawei Wang, Yifei Chena, Lianyong Qi

Afterwards, with the diverse correlation subgraphs, we model the compatible web APIs recommendation problem to be a minimum group Steiner tree search problem.


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