Search Results for author: Lijing Wang

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Ensemble-based Fine-Tuning Strategy for Temporal Relation Extraction from the Clinical Narrative

no code implementations NAACL (ClinicalNLP) 2022 Lijing Wang, Timothy Miller, Steven Bethard, Guergana Savova

In this paper, we investigate ensemble methods for fine-tuning transformer-based pretrained models for clinical natural language processing tasks, specifically temporal relation extraction from the clinical narrative.

Relation Temporal Relation Extraction

Multi-scale Digital Twin: Developing a fast and physics-informed surrogate model for groundwater contamination with uncertain climate models

no code implementations20 Nov 2022 Lijing Wang, Takuya Kurihana, Aurelien Meray, Ilijana Mastilovic, Satyarth Praveen, Zexuan Xu, Milad Memarzadeh, Alexander Lavin, Haruko Wainwright

To quickly assess the spatiotemporal variations of groundwater contamination under uncertain climate disturbances, we developed a physics-informed machine learning surrogate model using U-Net enhanced Fourier Neural Operator (U-FNO) to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) of groundwater flow and transport simulations at the site scale. We develop a combined loss function that includes both data-driven factors and physical boundary constraints at multiple spatiotemporal scales.

Management Online Clustering +1

Wisdom of the Ensemble: Improving Consistency of Deep Learning Models

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Lijing Wang, Dipanjan Ghosh, Maria Teresa Gonzalez Diaz, Ahmed Farahat, Mahbubul Alam, Chetan Gupta, Jiangzhuo Chen, Madhav Marathe

Deep learning classifiers are assisting humans in making decisions and hence the user's trust in these models is of paramount importance.

Examining Deep Learning Models with Multiple Data Sources for COVID-19 Forecasting

no code implementations27 Oct 2020 Lijing Wang, Aniruddha Adiga, Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Jiangzhuo Chen, Bryan Lewis, Madhav Marathe

Deep learning-based time series models for forecasting have recently gained popularity and have been successfully used for epidemic forecasting.

Clustering Spatio-Temporal Forecasting +2

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