no code implementations • EMNLP 2020 • Weicheng Ma, Ruibo Liu, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
The lack of multi-label and aspect-level emoji prediction datasets is one of the bottlenecks for this task.
1 code implementation • 4 Nov 2024 • Chengpeng Wang, Li Chen, Lili Wang, Zhaofan Li, Xuebin Lv
On facial expression datasets with complex and numerous feature types, where the significance and dominance of labeled features are difficult to predict, facial expression recognition(FER) encounters the challenges of inter-class similarity and intra-class variances, making it difficult to mine effective features.
Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER)
no code implementations • 18 Sep 2024 • Yutong Li, Lili Wang
Microgrids (MGs) have been equipped with large-scale distributed energy sources (DESs), and become more vulnerable due to the low inertia characteristic.
no code implementations • 17 Sep 2024 • Wenjian Hao, Lili Wang, Ayush Rai, Shaoshuai Mou
Koopman operator theory has proven to be highly significant in system identification, even for challenging scenarios involving nonlinear time-varying systems (NTVS).
no code implementations • 17 May 2024 • Mingxiang Fu, Yu Song, Jiameng Lv, Liang Cao, Peng Jia, Nan Li, Xiangru Li, Jifeng Liu, A-Li Luo, Bo Qiu, Shiyin Shen, Liangping Tu, Lili Wang, Shoulin Wei, Haifeng Yang, Zhenping Yi, Zhiqiang Zou
Hence, as an example to present how to overcome the issue, we built a framework for general analysis of galaxy images, based on a large vision model (LVM) plus downstream tasks (DST), including galaxy morphological classification, image restoration, object detection, parameter extraction, and more.
1 code implementation • 24 Jan 2024 • Yanyan Yang, Lili Wang, Xiaoya Zhai, Kai Chen, WenMing Wu, Yunkai Zhao, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu
Mechanical metamaterial is a synthetic material that can possess extraordinary physical characteristics, such as abnormal elasticity, stiffness, and stability, by carefully designing its internal structure.
1 code implementation • 7 Aug 2023 • Xinda Liu, Yaohui Zhu, Linhu Liu, Jiang Tian, Lili Wang
As the similar contents of the two views are salient or highly responsive in the feature map, the proposed FeaSC uses a response-aware scheme to localize salient features in an unsupervised manner.
no code implementations • 1 Jun 2023 • Lili Wang, Chenghan Huang, Weicheng Ma, Xinyuan Cao, Soroush Vosoughi
We evaluate our proposed model on five publicly available datasets for the task of temporal graph similarity ranking, and our model outperforms baseline methods.
no code implementations • 1 Jun 2023 • Lili Wang, Chenghan Huang, Chongyang Gao, Weicheng Ma, Soroush Vosoughi
In the pursuit of accurate and scalable quantitative methods for financial market analysis, the focus has shifted from individual stock models to those capturing interrelations between companies and their stocks.
no code implementations • 3 Oct 2022 • Lili Wang, Ji Liu, Brian B. O. Anderson, A. Stephen Morse
A discrete-time version of the distributed state estimation problem is also studied, and a corresponding estimator based again on spectrum separation, but not high gain, is proposed for time-varying networks.
no code implementations • Findings (ACL) 2022 • Weicheng Ma, Samiha Datta, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
While cultural backgrounds have been shown to affect linguistic expressions, existing natural language processing (NLP) research on culture modeling is overly coarse-grained and does not examine cultural differences among speakers of the same language.
Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction Language Modelling +5
no code implementations • 14 Sep 2021 • Lili Wang, Chenghan Huang, Weicheng Ma, Ying Lu, Soroush Vosoughi
In this paper, we present a novel and flexible framework using stress majorization, to transform the high-dimensional role identities in networks directly (without approximation or indirect modeling) to a low-dimensional embedding space.
no code implementations • 14 Sep 2021 • Lili Wang, Chenghan Huang, Weicheng Ma, Xinyuan Cao, Soroush Vosoughi
Recent years have seen a rise in the development of representational learning methods for graph data.
no code implementations • EMNLP 2021 • Weicheng Ma, Renze Lou, Kai Zhang, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
Compared to AUTOSEM, a strong baseline method, GradTS improves the performance of MT-DNN with a bert-base-cased backend model, from 0. 33% to 17. 93% on 8 natural language understanding (NLU) tasks in the GLUE benchmarks.
no code implementations • ACL 2021 • Weicheng Ma, Kai Zhang, Renze Lou, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
Through extensive experiments, we show that (1) pruning a number of attention heads in a multi-lingual Transformer-based model has, in general, positive effects on its performance in cross-lingual and multi-lingual tasks and (2) the attention heads to be pruned can be ranked using gradients and identified with a few trial experiments.
no code implementations • 14 Jul 2021 • Xinda Liu, Lili Wang, Xiaoguang Han
In this paper, we analyze the difficulties of fine-grained image recognition from a new perspective and propose a transformer architecture with the peak suppression module and knowledge guidance module, which respects the diversification of discriminative features in a single image and the aggregation of discriminative clues among multiple images.
Ranked #8 on Fine-Grained Image Classification on Stanford Dogs
Fine-Grained Image Classification Fine-Grained Image Recognition
no code implementations • 18 Jun 2021 • Lili Wang, Chongyang Gao, Chenghan Huang, Ruibo Liu, Weicheng Ma, Soroush Vosoughi
A common type of network is the heterogeneous network, where the nodes (and edges) can be of different types.
no code implementations • 30 Apr 2021 • Ruibo Liu, Chenyan Jia, Jason Wei, Guangxuan Xu, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
Current large-scale language models can be politically biased as a result of the data they are trained on, potentially causing serious problems when they are deployed in real-world settings.
no code implementations • 5 Jan 2021 • Ruibo Liu, Lili Wang, Chenyan Jia, Soroush Vosoughi
To detect polar words, we train a multi-attribute-aware word embedding model that is aware of ideology and topics on 360k full-length media articles.
no code implementations • 16 Dec 2020 • Defa Liu, Xianxin Wu, Fangsen Li, Yong Hu, Jianwei Huang, Yu Xu, Cong Li, Yunyi Zang, Junfeng He, Lin Zhao, Shaolong He, Chenjia Tang, Zhi Li, Lili Wang, Qingyan Wang, Guodong Liu, Zuyan Xu, Xu-Cun Ma, Qi-Kun Xue, Jiangping Hu, X. J. Zhou
These observations not only show the first direct evidence that the electronic structure of single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 films originates from bulk FeSe through a combined effect of an electronic phase transition and an interfacial charge transfer, but also provide a quantitative basis for theoretical models in describing the electronic structure and understanding the superconducting mechanism in single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 films.
Band Gap Superconductivity Strongly Correlated Electrons
no code implementations • ACL (unimplicit) 2021 • Weicheng Ma, Ruibo Liu, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
Finally, we clean up the improper or outdated annotations in one of the MD benchmark datasets and re-benchmark it with our Transformer-based model.
no code implementations • EMNLP (WNUT) 2020 • Lili Wang, Chongyang Gao, Jason Wei, Weicheng Ma, Ruibo Liu, Soroush Vosoughi
The field of NLP has seen unprecedented achievements in recent years.
no code implementations • EMNLP 2020 • Ruibo Liu, Guangxuan Xu, Chenyan Jia, Weicheng Ma, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
For instance, Data Boost improves F1 for the three tasks by 8. 7% on average when given only 10% of the whole data for training.
no code implementations • 3 Nov 2020 • Lili Wang, Ying Lu, Chenghan Huang, Soroush Vosoughi
However, the work on network embedding in hyperbolic space has been focused on microscopic node embedding.
1 code implementation • 14 Jul 2020 • Weicheng Ma, Ruibo Liu, Lili Wang, Soroush Vosoughi
In this paper, we extend the existing setting of the emoji prediction task to include a richer set of emojis and to allow multi-label classification on the task.
no code implementations • 13 Jun 2020 • Lili Wang, Ruibo Liu, Soroush Vosoughi
Once trained on their accounts, users can have new photos sorted based on predicted engagement and style similarity to their previous work, thus enabling them to upload photos that not only have the potential to maximize engagement from their followers but also maintain their style of photography.
no code implementations • 9 Dec 2019 • Fengjiao Liu, Lili Wang, Daniel Fullmer, A. Stephen Morse
In this paper it is established that any jointly controllable, jointly observable, multi-channel, discrete or continuous time linear system with a strongly connected neighbor (communication) graph can be exponentially stabilized with any pre-specified convergence rate using a time-invariant distributed linear control.
1 code implementation • 13 Nov 2019 • Lili Wang, Xiaodong Luo, Cheng Zheng
The integration and application of maxcombo tests in interim analyses often require extensive simulation studies.