Search Results for author: Limor Gultchin

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

Functional Causal Bayesian Optimization

no code implementations10 Jun 2023 Limor Gultchin, Virginia Aglietti, Alexis Bellot, Silvia Chiappa

We propose functional causal Bayesian optimization (fCBO), a method for finding interventions that optimize a target variable in a known causal graph.

Bayesian Optimization Gaussian Processes

Beyond Impossibility: Balancing Sufficiency, Separation and Accuracy

no code implementations24 May 2022 Limor Gultchin, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Varun Kanade, Frederik Mallmann-Trenn

Among the various aspects of algorithmic fairness studied in recent years, the tension between satisfying both \textit{sufficiency} and \textit{separation} -- e. g. the ratios of positive or negative predictive values, and false positive or false negative rates across groups -- has received much attention.


Operationalizing Complex Causes: A Pragmatic View of Mediation

1 code implementation9 Jun 2021 Limor Gultchin, David S. Watson, Matt J. Kusner, Ricardo Silva

We examine the problem of causal response estimation for complex objects (e. g., text, images, genomics).

Proximal Causal Learning with Kernels: Two-Stage Estimation and Moment Restriction

2 code implementations10 May 2021 Afsaneh Mastouri, Yuchen Zhu, Limor Gultchin, Anna Korba, Ricardo Silva, Matt J. Kusner, Arthur Gretton, Krikamol Muandet

In particular, we provide a unifying view of two-stage and moment restriction approaches for solving this problem in a nonlinear setting.

Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Differentiable Causal Backdoor Discovery

1 code implementation3 Mar 2020 Limor Gultchin, Matt J. Kusner, Varun Kanade, Ricardo Silva

Discovering the causal effect of a decision is critical to nearly all forms of decision-making.

Decision Making

Humor in Word Embeddings: Cockamamie Gobbledegook for Nincompoops

2 code implementations8 Feb 2019 Limor Gultchin, Genevieve Patterson, Nancy Baym, Nathaniel Swinger, Adam Tauman Kalai

While humor is often thought to be beyond the reach of Natural Language Processing, we show that several aspects of single-word humor correlate with simple linear directions in Word Embeddings.

Clustering Word Embeddings

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