Search Results for author: Linbin Huang

Found 19 papers, 1 papers with code

Direct Adaptive Control of Grid-Connected Power Converters via Output-Feedback Data-Enabled Policy Optimization

no code implementations6 Nov 2024 Feiran Zhao, Ruohan Leng, Linbin Huang, Huanhai Xin, Keyou You, Florian Dörfler

In this paper, we propose an adaptive data-driven control method, called data-enabled policy optimization (DeePO), to stabilize power converters by using only online input-output data.

Cross-Forming Control and Fault Current Limiting for Grid-Forming Inverters

no code implementations20 Apr 2024 Xiuqiang He, Maitraya Avadhut Desai, Linbin Huang, Florian Dörfler

The cross-forming concept addresses the need for inverters to remain grid-forming (particularly voltage angle forming, as required by grid codes) while managing fault current limitation.

Saturation-Informed Current-Limiting Control for Grid-Forming Converters

no code implementations11 Apr 2024 Maitraya Avadhut Desai, Xiuqiang He, Linbin Huang, Florian Dörfler

In this paper, we investigate the transient stability of a state-of-the-art grid-forming complex-droop control (i. e., dispatchable virtual oscillator control, dVOC) under current saturation.

Ensuring Disturbance Rejection Performance by Synthesizing Grid-Following and Grid-Forming Inverters in Power Systems

no code implementations25 Mar 2024 Fuyilong Ma, Huanhai Xin, Zhiyi Li, Linbin Huang

To satisfy dynamic requirements of power systems, it is imperative for grid-tied inverters to ensure good disturbance rejection performance (DRP) under variable grid conditions.

Optimal Dynamic Ancillary Services Provision Based on Local Power Grid Perception

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Verena Häberle, Xiuqiang He, Linbin Huang, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Florian Dörfler

In this paper, we propose a systematic closed-loop approach to provide optimal dynamic ancillary services with converter-interfaced generation systems based on local power grid perception.

Characterizing the Role of Complex Power in Small-Signal Synchronization Stability of Multi-Converter Power Systems

no code implementations29 Dec 2023 Fuyilong Ma, Huanhai Xin, Zhiyi Li, Linbin Huang

In this paper, we focus on the impact regularity of complex power on the small-signal synchronization stability of the MCPS.

Quantitative Stability Conditions for Grid-Forming Converters With Complex Droop Control

no code implementations15 Oct 2023 Xiuqiang He, Linbin Huang, Irina Subotić, Verena Häberle, Florian Dörfler

In this paper, we analytically study the transient stability of grid-connected converters with grid-forming complex droop control, also known as dispatchable virtual oscillator control.

Dynamic Ancillary Services: From Grid Codes to Transfer Function-Based Converter Control

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Verena Häberle, Linbin Huang, Xiuqiang He, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Florian Dörfler

Namely, we translate the piece-wise linear time-domain curves for active and reactive power provision in response to a frequency and voltage step change into a desired rational parametric transfer function in the frequency domain, which defines a dynamic response behavior to be realized by the converter.

Gain and Phase: Decentralized Stability Conditions for Power Electronics-Dominated Power Systems

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Linbin Huang, Dan Wang, Xiongfei Wang, Huanhai Xin, Ping Ju, Karl H. Johansson, Florian Dörfler

This paper proposes decentralized stability conditions for multi-converter systems based on the combination of the small gain theorem and the small phase theorem.

Joint Oscillation Damping and Inertia Provision Service for Converter-Interfaced Generation

no code implementations4 Sep 2023 Cheng Feng, Linbin Huang, Xiuqiang He, Yi Wang, Florian Dörfler, Qixin Chen

To address this gap, this paper defines the joint oscillation damping and inertia provision services at the system level, seeking to encourage converter-interfaced generation to provide enhanced damping and fast frequency response capabilities.

MIMO Grid Impedance Identification of Three-Phase Power Systems: Parametric vs. Nonparametric Approaches

no code implementations29 Apr 2023 Verena Häberle, Linbin Huang, Xiuqiang He, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Roy S. Smith, Florian Dörfler

A fast and accurate grid impedance measurement of three-phase power systems is crucial for online assessment of power system stability and adaptive control of grid-connected converters.

Efficient Reinforcement Learning Through Trajectory Generation

1 code implementation30 Nov 2022 Wenqi Cui, Linbin Huang, Weiwei Yang, Baosen Zhang

Off-policy and Offline RL methods have been proposed to reduce the number of interactions with the physical environment by learning control policies from historical data.

LEMMA Offline RL +3

How Many Grid-Forming Converters Do We Need? A Perspective From Small Signal Stability and Power Grid Strength

no code implementations21 Sep 2022 Huanhai Xin, Chenxi Liu, Xia Chen, Yuxuan Wang, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Linbin Huang

Based on our analysis, we further study the problem of how to configure GFM converters in the grid and how many GFM converters we will need.

Robust and Kernelized Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems

no code implementations4 Jun 2022 Linbin Huang, John Lygeros, Florian Dörfler

This paper presents a robust and kernelized data-enabled predictive control (RoKDeePC) algorithm to perform model-free optimal control for nonlinear systems using only input and output data.

Robust Data-Enabled Predictive Control: Tractable Formulations and Performance Guarantees

no code implementations15 May 2021 Linbin Huang, Jianzhe Zhen, John Lygeros, Florian Dörfler

The proposed framework enables us to obtain model-free optimal control for LTI systems based on noisy input/output data.

Nodal Frequency Performance of Power Networks

no code implementations5 Apr 2021 Huisheng Gao, Hui Yuan, Huanhai Xin, Linbin Huang, Chaoyou Feng

Then, we present how the initial RoCoF of the nodal frequencies are related to the inertia constants of multiple generators in a power network, which leads to a performance metric to analyze nodal frequency performance.

Quadratic Regularization of Data-Enabled Predictive Control: Theory and Application to Power Converter Experiments

no code implementations8 Dec 2020 Linbin Huang, Jianzhe Zhen, John Lygeros, Florian Dörfler

Moreover, when the input/output constraints are inactive, the quadratic regularization leads to a closed-form solution of the DeePC algorithm and thus enables fast calculations.

Placing Grid-Forming Converters to Enhance Small Signal Stability of PLL-Integrated Power Systems

no code implementations8 Jul 2020 Chaoran Yang, Linbin Huang, Huanhai Xin, Ping Ju

Nonetheless, it has not been theoretically revealed how the placement of grid-forming converters enhances the small-signal stability of power systems integrated with large-scale PLL-based converters.

Decentralized Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Power System Oscillation Damping

no code implementations27 Nov 2019 Linbin Huang, Jeremy Coulson, John Lygeros, Florian Dörfler

Further, we discuss how to relieve the computational burden of the Min-Max DeePC by reducing the dimension of prediction uncertainty and how to leverage disturbance feedback to reduce the conservativeness of robustification.

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