Search Results for author: Ling Wang

Found 44 papers, 7 papers with code

Reinforcement learning Based Automated Design of Differential Evolution Algorithm for Black-box Optimization

no code implementations22 Jan 2025 Xu Yang, Rui Wang, Kaiwen Li, Ling Wang

To address this challenge, we introduce a novel framework that employs reinforcement learning (RL) to automatically design DE for black-box optimization through meta-learning.

Medical Multimodal Foundation Models in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment: Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions

no code implementations3 Dec 2024 Kai Sun, Siyan Xue, Fuchun Sun, Haoran Sun, Yu Luo, Ling Wang, Siyuan Wang, Na Guo, Lei Liu, Tian Zhao, Xinzhou Wang, Lei Yang, Shuo Jin, Jun Yan, Jiahong Dong

Recent advancements in deep learning have significantly revolutionized the field of clinical diagnosis and treatment, offering novel approaches to improve diagnostic precision and treatment efficacy across diverse clinical domains, thus driving the pursuit of precision medicine.

BrainDreamer: Reasoning-Coherent and Controllable Image Generation from EEG Brain Signals via Language Guidance

no code implementations21 Sep 2024 Ling Wang, Chen Wu, Lin Wang

In the alignment stage, we propose a novel mask-based triple contrastive learning strategy to effectively align EEG, text, and image embeddings to learn a unified representation.

Contrastive Learning EEG +1

DAP-LED: Learning Degradation-Aware Priors with CLIP for Joint Low-light Enhancement and Deblurring

no code implementations20 Sep 2024 Ling Wang, Chen Wu, Lin Wang

In light of this, we propose a novel transformer-based joint learning framework, named DAP-LED, which can jointly achieve low-light enhancement and deblurring, benefiting downstream tasks, such as depth estimation, segmentation, and detection in the dark.

Autonomous Vehicles Deblurring +2

EIT-1M: One Million EEG-Image-Text Pairs for Human Visual-textual Recognition and More

no code implementations2 Jul 2024 Xu Zheng, Ling Wang, Kanghao Chen, Yuanhuiyi Lyu, Jiazhou Zhou, Lin Wang

To verify the effectiveness of EIT-1M, we provide an in-depth analysis of EEG data captured from multi-modal stimuli across different categories and participants, along with data quality scores for transparency.

EEG Object Recognition

Vision-Language Meets the Skeleton: Progressively Distillation with Cross-Modal Knowledge for 3D Action Representation Learning

1 code implementation31 May 2024 Yang Chen, Tian He, Junfeng Fu, Ling Wang, Jingcai Guo, Ting Hu, Hong Cheng

To address these challenges, we introduce a novel skeleton-based training framework (C$^2$VL) based on Cross-modal Contrastive learning that uses the progressive distillation to learn task-agnostic human skeleton action representation from the Vision-Language knowledge prompts.

Action Recognition Contrastive Learning +4

Fine-Grained Side Information Guided Dual-Prompts for Zero-Shot Skeleton Action Recognition

no code implementations11 Apr 2024 Yang Chen, Jingcai Guo, Tian He, Ling Wang

However, previous works focus on establishing the bridges between the known skeleton representation space and semantic descriptions space at the coarse-grained level for recognizing unknown action categories, ignoring the fine-grained alignment of these two spaces, resulting in suboptimal performance in distinguishing high-similarity action categories.

Action Recognition Attribute +2

Equivariant Local Reference Frames for Unsupervised Non-rigid Point Cloud Shape Correspondence

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Ling Wang, Runfa Chen, Yikai Wang, Fuchun Sun, Xinzhou Wang, Sun Kai, Guangyuan Fu, Jianwei Zhang, Wenbing Huang

Based on the assumption of local rigidity, one solution for reducing complexity is to decompose the overall shape into independent local regions using Local Reference Frames (LRFs) that are invariant to SE(3) transformations.

An EnKF-LSTM Assimilation Algorithm for Crop Growth Model

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 SiQi Zhou, Ling Wang, Jie Liu, Jinshan Tang

However, there are large difference between the simulation results obtained by the crop models and the actual results, thus in this paper, we proposed to combine the simulation results with the collected crop data for data assimilation so that the accuracy of prediction will be improved.

Vehicle-group-based Crash Risk Formation and Propagation Analysis for Expressways

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Tianheng Zhu, Ling Wang, Yiheng Feng, Wanjing Ma, Mohamed Abdel-Aty

Several key factors contributing to crash risks were identified, including past high-risk vehicle-group states, complex vehicle behaviors, high percentage of large vehicles, frequent lane changes within a vehicle group, and specific road geometries.

Autonomous Vehicles

ADCNet: a unified framework for predicting the activity of antibody-drug conjugates

1 code implementation17 Jan 2024 Liye Chen, Biaoshun Li, Yihao Chen, Mujie Lin, Shipeng Zhang, Chenxin Li, Yu Pang, Ling Wang

Antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) has revolutionized the field of cancer treatment in the era of precision medicine due to their ability to precisely target cancer cells and release highly effective drug.

Activity Prediction Language Modeling +2

Constrained Multi-objective Optimization with Deep Reinforcement Learning Assisted Operator Selection

no code implementations15 Jan 2024 Fei Ming, Wenyin Gong, Ling Wang, Yaochu Jin

By using a Q-Network to learn a policy to estimate the Q-values of all actions, the proposed approach can adaptively select an operator that maximizes the improvement of the population according to the current state and thereby improve the algorithmic performance.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Evolutionary Algorithms +1

Tensor Graph Convolutional Network for Dynamic Graph Representation Learning

no code implementations13 Jan 2024 Ling Wang, Ye Yuan

Dynamic graphs (DG) describe dynamic interactions between entities in many practical scenarios.

Graph Representation Learning

AnimatableDreamer: Text-Guided Non-rigid 3D Model Generation and Reconstruction with Canonical Score Distillation

no code implementations6 Dec 2023 Xinzhou Wang, Yikai Wang, Junliang Ye, Zhengyi Wang, Fuchun Sun, Pengkun Liu, Ling Wang, Kai Sun, Xintong Wang, Bin He

Extensive experiments demonstrate the capability of our method in generating high-flexibility text-guided 3D models from the monocular video, while also showing improved reconstruction performance over existing non-rigid reconstruction methods.

3D Generation Denoising +1

3D Implicit Transporter for Temporally Consistent Keypoint Discovery

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Chengliang Zhong, Yuhang Zheng, Yupeng Zheng, Hao Zhao, Li Yi, Xiaodong Mu, Ling Wang, Pengfei Li, Guyue Zhou, Chao Yang, Xinliang Zhang, Jian Zhao

To address this issue, the Transporter method was introduced for 2D data, which reconstructs the target frame from the source frame to incorporate both spatial and temporal information.

Learning to Branch in Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Pointer Networks

no code implementations4 Jul 2023 Rui Wang, Zhiming Zhou, Tao Zhang, Ling Wang, Xin Xu, Xiangke Liao, Kaiwen Li

The proposed model, which combines the graph neural network and the pointer mechanism, can effectively map from the solver state to the branching variable decisions.

Combinatorial Optimization Graph Neural Network +1

Enhancing the Robustness of QMIX against State-adversarial Attacks

no code implementations3 Jul 2023 Weiran Guo, Guanjun Liu, Ziyuan Zhou, Ling Wang, Jiacun Wang

To increase the robustness of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms, we train models using a variety of attacks in this research.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning +1

MetaModulation: Learning Variational Feature Hierarchies for Few-Shot Learning with Fewer Tasks

1 code implementation17 May 2023 Wenfang Sun, Yingjun Du, XianTong Zhen, Fan Wang, Ling Wang, Cees G. M. Snoek

To account for the uncertainty caused by the limited training tasks, we propose a variational MetaModulation where the modulation parameters are treated as latent variables.

Diversity Few-Shot Learning

Coevolutionary Framework for Generalized Multimodal Multi-objective Optimization

1 code implementation2 Dec 2022 Wenhua Li, Xingyi Yao, Kaiwen Li, Rui Wang, Tao Zhang, Ling Wang

To address the above two issues, in this study, a novel coevolutionary framework termed CoMMEA for multimodal multi-objective optimization is proposed to better obtain both global and local PSs, and simultaneously, to improve the convergence performance in dealing with high-dimension MMOPs.

Diversity Evolutionary Algorithms +1

HiGNN: Hierarchical Informative Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Property Prediction Equipped with Feature-Wise Attention

1 code implementation30 Aug 2022 Weimin Zhu, Yi Zhang, Duancheng Zhao, Jianrong Xu, Ling Wang

Elucidating and accurately predicting the druggability and bioactivities of molecules plays a pivotal role in drug design and discovery and remains an open challenge.

Drug Design Drug Discovery +3

Large-scale matrix optimization based multi microgrid topology design with a constrained differential evolution algorithm

no code implementations18 Jul 2022 Wenhua Li, Shengjun Huang, Tao Zhang, Rui Wang, Ling Wang

Binary matrix optimization commonly arise in the real world, e. g., multi-microgrid network structure design problem (MGNSDP), which is to minimize the total length of the power supply line under certain constraints.

FP-GNN: a versatile deep learning architecture for enhanced molecular property prediction

no code implementations8 May 2022 Hanxuan Cai, Huimin Zhang, Duancheng Zhao, Jingxing Wu, Ling Wang

In addition, we analyzed the influence of different molecular fingerprints, and the effects of molecular graphs and molecular fingerprints on the performance of the FP-GNN model.

Deep Learning Molecular Property Prediction +1

Temporal Convolution Domain Adaptation Learning for Crops Growth Prediction

no code implementations24 Feb 2022 Shengzhe Wang, Ling Wang, ZhiHao Lin, Xi Zheng

We are the first to use the temporal convolution filters as the backbone to construct a domain adaptation network architecture which is suitable for deep learning regression models with very limited training data of the target domain.

Domain Adaptation

Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Pharmacovigilance: What Features Are Important When Predicting Adverse Outcomes?

no code implementations25 Dec 2021 Isaac Ronald Ward, Ling Wang, Juan lu, Mohammed Bennamoun, Girish Dwivedi, Frank M Sanfilippo

Using XAI, we quantified the contribution that specific drugs had on these ACS predictions, thus creating an XAI-based technique for pharmacovigilance monitoring, using ACS as an example of the adverse outcome to detect.

Explainable artificial intelligence Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) +2

Optimal Expansion of Business Opportunity

no code implementations13 Dec 2021 Ling Wang, Kexin Chen, Mei Choi Chiu, Hoi Ying Wong

The length of the waiting period is related to the opportunity cost, return, and risk of the expanded business.

Trade When Opportunity Comes: Price Movement Forecasting via Locality-Aware Attention and Iterative Refinement Labeling

no code implementations26 Jul 2021 Liang Zeng, Lei Wang, Hui Niu, Ruchen Zhang, Ling Wang, Jian Li

Price movement forecasting, aimed at predicting financial asset trends based on current market information, has achieved promising advancements through machine learning (ML) methods.

Metric Learning Time Series Analysis

LAI Estimation of Cucumber Crop Based on Improved Fully Convolutional Network

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Weiqi Shu, Ling Wang, Bolong Liu, Jie Liu

How to measure LAI accurately and efficiently is the key to the crop yield estimation problem.

A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Extracting Periosteal and Endosteal Contours of Proximal Femur in Quantitative CT Images

no code implementations3 Feb 2021 Yu Deng, Ling Wang, Chen Zhao, Shaojie Tang, Xiaoguang Cheng, Hong-Wen Deng, Weihua Zhou

In this study, we proposed an approach based on deep learning for the automatic extraction of the periosteal and endosteal contours of proximal femur in order to differentiate cortical and trabecular bone compartments.

Interactive Segmentation Segmentation

Progressive Defense Against Adversarial Attacks for Deep Learning as a Service in Internet of Things

no code implementations15 Oct 2020 Ling Wang, Cheng Zhang, Zejian Luo, ChenGuang Liu, Jie Liu, Xi Zheng, Athanasios Vasilakos

To reduce the computational cost without loss of generality, we present a defense strategy called a progressive defense against adversarial attacks (PDAAA) for efficiently and effectively filtering out the adversarial pixel mutations, which could mislead the neural network towards erroneous outputs, without a-priori knowledge about the attack type.

Volterra mortality model: Actuarial valuation and risk management with long-range dependence

no code implementations21 Sep 2020 Ling Wang, Mei Choi Chiu, Hoi Ying Wong

While abundant empirical studies support the long-range dependence (LRD) of mortality rates, the corresponding impact on mortality securities are largely unknown due to the lack of appropriate tractable models for valuation and risk management purposes.


Balancing Common Treatment and Epidemic Control in Medical Procurement during COVID-19: Transform-and-Divide Evolutionary Optimization

no code implementations2 Aug 2020 Yu-Jun Zheng, Xin Chen, Tie-Er Gan, Min-Xia Zhang, Wei-Guo Sheng, Ling Wang

In this paper, we present an approach that first transforms the original high-dimensional, constrained multiobjective optimization problem to a low-dimensional, unconstrained multiobjective optimization problem, and then evaluates each solution to the transformed problem by solving a set of simple single-objective optimization subproblems, such that the problem can be efficiently solved by existing evolutionary multiobjective algorithms.

Evolutionary Algorithms Multiobjective Optimization

Retrosynthesis with Attention-Based NMT Model and Chemical Analysis of the "Wrong" Predictions

no code implementations2 Aug 2019 Hongliang Duan, Ling Wang, Chengyun Zhang, Jianjun Li

We cast retrosynthesis as a machine translation problem by introducing a special Tensor2Tensor, an entire attention-based and fully data-driven model.

Machine Translation NMT +2

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