Search Results for author: Lingyun Huang

Found 20 papers, 3 papers with code

CVPT: Cross-Attention help Visual Prompt Tuning adapt visual task

1 code implementation27 Aug 2024 Lingyun Huang, Jianxu Mao, Yaonan Wang, Junfei Yi, Ziming Tao

These methods optimize large-scale pre-trained models for specific tasks by fine-tuning a select group of parameters.

parameter-efficient fine-tuning Visual Prompt Tuning

Aggregation of Disentanglement: Reconsidering Domain Variations in Domain Generalization

no code implementations5 Feb 2023 Daoan Zhang, Mingkai Chen, Chenming Li, Lingyun Huang, JianGuo Zhang

Different from learning domain invariant features from source domains, we decouple the input images into Domain Expert Features and noise.

Contrastive Learning Disentanglement +1

A deep local attention network for pre-operative lymph node metastasis prediction in pancreatic cancer via multiphase CT imaging

no code implementations4 Jan 2023 Zhilin Zheng, Xu Fang, Jiawen Yao, Mengmeng Zhu, Le Lu, Lingyun Huang, Jing Xiao, Yu Shi, Hong Lu, Jianping Lu, Ling Zhang, Chengwei Shao, Yun Bian

Lymph node (LN) metastasis status is one of the most critical prognostic and cancer staging factors for patients with resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), or in general, for any types of solid malignant tumors.


Rethinking Alignment and Uniformity in Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations26 Nov 2022 Daoan Zhang, Chenming Li, Haoquan Li, Wenjian Huang, Lingyun Huang, JianGuo Zhang

Experimental results on multiple semantic segmentation benchmarks show that our unsupervised segmentation framework specializes in catching semantic representations, which outperforms all the unpretrained and even several pretrained methods.

Representation Learning Segmentation +2

A deep learning pipeline for localization, differentiation, and uncertainty estimation of liver lesions using multi-phasic and multi-sequence MRI

no code implementations17 Oct 2021 Peng Wang, YuHsuan Wu, Bolin Lai, Xiao-Yun Zhou, Le Lu, Wendi Liu, Huabang Zhou, Lingyun Huang, Jing Xiao, Adam P. Harrison, Ningyang Jia, Heping Hu

Results: the proposed CAD solution achieves a mean F1 score of 0. 62, outperforming the abdominal radiologist (0. 47), matching the junior hepatology radiologist (0. 61), and underperforming the senior hepatology radiologist (0. 68).


Lesion Segmentation and RECIST Diameter Prediction via Click-driven Attention and Dual-path Connection

no code implementations5 May 2021 YouBao Tang, Ke Yan, Jinzheng Cai, Lingyun Huang, Guotong Xie, Jing Xiao, JingJing Lu, Gigin Lin, Le Lu

PDNet learns comprehensive and representative deep image features for our tasks and produces more accurate results on both lesion segmentation and RECIST diameter prediction.

Decoder Lesion Segmentation +1

Weakly-Supervised Universal Lesion Segmentation with Regional Level Set Loss

no code implementations3 May 2021 YouBao Tang, Jinzheng Cai, Ke Yan, Lingyun Huang, Guotong Xie, Jing Xiao, JingJing Lu, Gigin Lin, Le Lu

Accurately segmenting a variety of clinically significant lesions from whole body computed tomography (CT) scans is a critical task on precision oncology imaging, denoted as universal lesion segmentation (ULS).

Computed Tomography (CT) Decoder +3

Learning from Subjective Ratings Using Auto-Decoded Deep Latent Embeddings

no code implementations12 Apr 2021 Bowen Li, Xinping Ren, Ke Yan, Le Lu, Lingyun Huang, Guotong Xie, Jing Xiao, Dar-In Tai, Adam P. Harrison

Importantly, ADDLE does not expect multiple raters per image in training, meaning it can readily learn from data mined from hospital archives.

Semi-Supervised Learning for Bone Mineral Density Estimation in Hip X-ray Images

no code implementations24 Mar 2021 Kang Zheng, Yirui Wang, XiaoYun Zhou, Fakai Wang, Le Lu, ChiHung Lin, Lingyun Huang, Guotong Xie, Jing Xiao, Chang-Fu Kuo, Shun Miao

Specifically, we propose a new semi-supervised self-training algorithm to train the BMD regression model using images coupled with DEXA measured BMDs and unlabeled images with pseudo BMDs.

Density Estimation regression +1

Hetero-Modal Learning and Expansive Consistency Constraints for Semi-Supervised Detection from Multi-Sequence Data

no code implementations24 Mar 2021 Bolin Lai, YuHsuan Wu, Xiao-Yun Zhou, Peng Wang, Le Lu, Lingyun Huang, Mei Han, Jing Xiao, Heping Hu, Adam P. Harrison

Lesion detection serves a critical role in early diagnosis and has been well explored in recent years due to methodological advancesand increased data availability.

Lesion Detection

Sequential Learning on Liver Tumor Boundary Semantics and Prognostic Biomarker Mining

no code implementations9 Mar 2021 Jieneng Chen, Ke Yan, Yu-Dong Zhang, YouBao Tang, Xun Xu, Shuwen Sun, Qiuping Liu, Lingyun Huang, Jing Xiao, Alan L. Yuille, Ya zhang, Le Lu

(2) The sampled deep vertex features with positional embedding are mapped into a sequential space and decoded by a multilayer perceptron (MLP) for semantic classification.


Knowledge Distillation with Adaptive Asymmetric Label Sharpening for Semi-supervised Fracture Detection in Chest X-rays

no code implementations30 Dec 2020 Yirui Wang, Kang Zheng, Chi-Tung Chang, Xiao-Yun Zhou, Zhilin Zheng, Lingyun Huang, Jing Xiao, Le Lu, Chien-Hung Liao, Shun Miao

Exploiting available medical records to train high performance computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) models via the semi-supervised learning (SSL) setting is emerging to tackle the prohibitively high labor costs involved in large-scale medical image annotations.

Fracture detection Knowledge Distillation

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