Search Results for author: Linh Nguyen

Found 13 papers, 1 papers with code

Revisiting the Disequilibrium Issues in Tackling Heart Disease Classification Tasks

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Thao Hoang, Linh Nguyen, Khoi Do, Duong Nguyen, Viet Dung Nguyen

When applying IWL loss, the accuracy of state-of-the-art models (SOTA) increases up to 5% in the CPSC2018 dataset.


Large language models can be zero-shot anomaly detectors for time series?

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Sarah Alnegheimish, Linh Nguyen, Laure Berti-Equille, Kalyan Veeramachaneni

First, we present a prompt-based detection method that directly asks a language model to indicate which elements of the input are anomalies.

Anomaly Detection Language Modelling +4

A Large-Scale Study of a Sleep Tracking and Improving Device with Closed-loop and Personalized Real-time Acoustic Stimulation

no code implementations4 Nov 2022 Anh Nguyen, Galen Pogoncheff, Ban Xuan Dong, Nam Bui, Hoang Truong, Nhat Pham, Linh Nguyen, Hoang Huu Nguyen, Sy Duong-Quy, Sangtae Ha, Tam Vu

Various intervention therapies ranging from pharmaceutical to hi-tech tailored solutions have been available to treat difficulty in falling asleep commonly caused by insomnia in modern life.

Sleep Staging

Learning to identify cracks on wind turbine blade surfaces using drone-based inspection images

no code implementations20 Jul 2022 Akshay Iyer, Linh Nguyen, Shweta Khushu

Hence in this work, we bring more objectivity, scalability, and repeatability in our damage inspection process, using deep learning, to miss fewer cracks.


An Automated System for Detecting Visual Damages of Wind Turbine Blades

no code implementations22 May 2022 Linh Nguyen, Akshay Iyer, Shweta Khushu

We discuss the performance of our damage's suggestion model in production and how this system works in coordination with humans as part of a commercialized product and how it can contribute towards lowering wind energy's operational costs.

Augmented NETT Regularization of Inverse Problems

no code implementations8 Aug 2019 Daniel Obmann, Linh Nguyen, Johannes Schwab, Markus Haltmeier

We propose aNETT (augmented NETwork Tikhonov) regularization as a novel data-driven reconstruction framework for solving inverse problems.


Gaussian Mixture Marginal Distributions for Modelling Remaining Pipe Wall Thickness of Critical Water Mains in Non-Destructive Evaluation

no code implementations2 Jul 2019 Linh Nguyen, Jaime Valls Miro, Lei Shi, Teresa Vidal-Calleja

Rapidly estimating the remaining wall thickness (RWT) is paramount for the non-destructive condition assessment evaluation of large critical metallic pipelines.

Gaussian Processes

Can a Robot Hear the Shape and Dimensions of a Room?

no code implementations2 Jul 2019 Linh Nguyen, Jaime Valls Miro, Xiaojun Qiu

Knowing the geometry of a space is desirable for many applications, e. g. sound source localization, sound field reproduction or auralization.

Sound Robotics Audio and Speech Processing Signal Processing

Adaptive neural network based dynamic surface control for uncertain dual arm robots

no code implementations8 May 2019 Dung Tien Pham, Thai Van Nguyen, Hai Xuan Le, Linh Nguyen, Nguyen Huu Thai, Tuan Anh Phan, Hai Tuan Pham, Anh Hoai Duong

The paper discusses an adaptive strategy to effectively control nonlinear manipulation motions of a dual arm robot (DAR) under system uncertainties including parameter variations, actuator nonlinearities and external disturbances.

Domain-to-Domain Translation Model for Recommender System

no code implementations15 Dec 2018 Linh Nguyen, Tsukasa Ishigaki

To handle the two problems, we propose a model that can extract both homogeneous and divergent features among domains and extract data in a domain can support for other domain equally: a so-called Domain-to-Domain Translation Model (D2D-TM).

Multi-Domain Recommender Systems Recommendation Systems +1

A Learning and Masking Approach to Secure Learning

no code implementations13 Sep 2017 Linh Nguyen, Sky Wang, Arunesh Sinha

Finally, we show that a classifier masking method achieved by adding noise to the a neural network's logit output protects against low distortion attacks such as the CW attack.

Autonomous Driving

Flint Water Crisis: Data-Driven Risk Assessment Via Residential Water Testing

no code implementations30 Sep 2016 Jacob Abernethy, Cyrus Anderson, Chengyu Dai, Arya Farahi, Linh Nguyen, Adam Rauh, Eric Schwartz, Wenbo Shen, Guangsha Shi, Jonathan Stroud, Xinyu Tan, Jared Webb, Sheng Yang

In this analysis, we find that lead service lines are not the only factor that is predictive of the risk of lead contamination of water.

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