Search Results for author: Linlong Wu

Found 12 papers, 0 papers with code

RIS-Aided Wideband Holographic DFRC

no code implementations8 May 2023 Tong Wei, Linlong Wu, Kumar Vijay Mishra, M. R. Bhavani Shankar

This surface is crucial for designing compact low-cost wideband wireless systems, wherein ultra-massive antenna arrays are required to compensate for the losses incurred by severe attenuation and diffraction.

Relative Entropy-Based Constant-Envelope Beamforming for Target Detection in Large-Scale MIMO Radar With Low-Resoultion ADCs

no code implementations19 Jan 2023 Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bowen Wang, Julan Xie, Huiyong Li

In the second stage, an efficient iterative algorithm based on majorization-minimization is presented to obtain the constant-envelope beamformer according to the attained transmit power.

Sparse Array Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communications System

no code implementations2 Jan 2023 Huiping Huang, Linlong Wu, Bhavani Shankar, Abdelhak M. Zoubir

The problem of sparse array design for dual-function radar-communications is investigated.

Improving Pulse-Compression Weather Radar via the Joint Design of Subpulses and Extended Mismatch Filter

no code implementations27 Sep 2022 Linlong Wu, Mohammad Alaee-Kerahroodi, M. R. Bhavani Shankar

Pulse compression can enhance both the performance in range resolution and sensitivity for weather radar.

Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems: Models, Technologies, and Challenges

no code implementations10 Sep 2022 Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bowen Wang, Bhavani Shankar, Bin Liao, Björn Ottersten

As a promising technology in beyond-5G (B5G) and 6G, dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) aims to ensure both radar sensing and communication on a single integrated platform with unified signaling schemes.

Double-Phase-Shifter based Hybrid Beamforming for mmWave DFRC in the Presence of Extended Target and Clutters

no code implementations5 Dec 2021 Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bowen Wang, Bhavani Shankar M. R., Björn Ottersten

In millimeter-wave (mmWave) dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) systems, hybrid beamforming (HBF) is recognized as a promising technique utilizing a limited number of radio frequency chains.

One-Bit ADCs/DACs based MIMO Radar: Performance Analysis and Joint Design

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Minglong Deng, Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bhavani Shankar, Zishu He

In this paper, we focus on the detection performance analysis and joint design for the MIMO radar with one-bit ADCs and DACs.

Optimal Sensor Placement for Source Localization: A Unified ADMM Approach

no code implementations8 Sep 2021 Nitesh Sahu, Linlong Wu, Prabhu Babu, Bhavani Shankar M. R., Björn Ottersten

Source localization plays a key role in many applications including radar, wireless and underwater communications.

Resource Allocation in Heterogeneously-Distributed Joint Radar-Communications under Asynchronous Bayesian Tracking Framework

no code implementations23 Aug 2021 Linlong Wu, Kumar Vijay Mishra, Bhavani Shankar M. R., Björn Ottersten

Optimal allocation of shared resources is key to deliver the promise of jointly operating radar and communications systems.

Heterogeneously-Distributed Joint Radar Communications: Bayesian Resource Allocation

no code implementations29 Jul 2021 Linlong Wu, Kumar Vijay Mishra, Bhavani Shankar M. R., Björn Ottersten

In this paper, we focus on a heterogeneous radar and communication network (HRCN), which consists of various generic radars for multiple target tracking (MTT) and wireless communications for multiple users.

Joint Radar-Communication

Sparse Array Beampattern Synthesis via Majorization-Based ADMM

no code implementations9 Apr 2021 Tong Wei, Linlong Wu, M. R. Bhavani Shankar

Beampattern synthesis is a key problem in many wireless applications.

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