Search Results for author: Linxiao Yang

Found 17 papers, 4 papers with code

Task-oriented Time Series Imputation Evaluation via Generalized Representers

1 code implementation9 Oct 2024 Zhixian Wang, Linxiao Yang, Liang Sun, Qingsong Wen, Yi Wang

Time series analysis is widely used in many fields such as power energy, economics, and transportation, including different tasks such as forecasting, anomaly detection, classification, etc.

Anomaly Detection Imputation +3

CURLS: Causal Rule Learning for Subgroups with Significant Treatment Effect

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Jiehui Zhou, Linxiao Yang, Xingyu Liu, Xinyue Gu, Liang Sun, Wei Chen

In this paper, we propose CURLS, a novel rule learning method leveraging HTE, which can effectively describe subgroups with significant treatment effects.

Causal Inference Management

SLIM: a Scalable Light-weight Root Cause Analysis for Imbalanced Data in Microservice

no code implementations31 May 2024 Rui Ren, Jingbang Yang, Linxiao Yang, Xinyue Gu, Liang Sun

Compared with existing fault localization algorithms, our algorithm can adapt to the imbalanced fault scenario of change service, and provide interpretable fault causes which are easy to understand and verify.

Fault localization

SaDI: A Self-adaptive Decomposed Interpretable Framework for Electric Load Forecasting under Extreme Events

no code implementations14 Jun 2023 Hengbo Liu, Ziqing Ma, Linxiao Yang, Tian Zhou, Rui Xia, Yi Wang, Qingsong Wen, Liang Sun

In this paper, we propose a novel forecasting framework, named Self-adaptive Decomposed Interpretable framework~(SaDI), which ensembles long-term trend, short-term trend, and period modelings to capture temporal characteristics in different components.

Load Forecasting Management

Robust Dominant Periodicity Detection for Time Series with Missing Data

no code implementations6 Mar 2023 Qingsong Wen, Linxiao Yang, Liang Sun

In this paper, we propose a robust and effective periodicity detection algorithm for time series with block missing data.

Missing Values Time Series +1

Learning Interpretable Decision Rule Sets: A Submodular Optimization Approach

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Fan Yang, Kai He, Linxiao Yang, Hongxia Du, Jingbang Yang, Bo Yang, Liang Sun

The learning problem is framed as a subset selection task in which a subset of all possible rules needs to be selected to form an accurate and interpretable rule set.

Low-Rank Phase Retrieval via Variational Bayesian Learning

no code implementations5 Nov 2018 Kaihui Liu, Jiayi Wang, Zhengli Xing, Linxiao Yang, Jun Fang

We propose a hierarchical prior model for low-rank phase retrieval, in which a Gaussian-Wishart hierarchical prior is placed on the underlying low-rank matrix to promote the low-rankness of the matrix.


Simultaneous Block-Sparse Signal Recovery Using Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning

no code implementations6 Nov 2017 Hang Xiao, Zhengli Xing, Linxiao Yang, Jun Fang, Yanlun Wu

In this paper, we consider the block-sparse signals recovery problem in the context of multiple measurement vectors (MMV) with common row sparsity patterns.

Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition-Aided Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave MIMO-OFDM Systems

1 code implementation12 Sep 2016 Zhou Zhou, Jun Fang, Linxiao Yang, Hongbin Li, Zhi Chen, Rick S. Blum

Different from most existing studies that are concerned with narrowband channels, we consider estimation of wideband mmWave channels with frequency selectivity, which is more appropriate for mmWave MIMO-OFDM systems.

Information Theory Information Theory

An Iterative Reweighted Method for Tucker Decomposition of Incomplete Multiway Tensors

no code implementations15 Nov 2015 Linxiao Yang, Jun Fang, Hongbin Li, Bing Zeng

In this paper, we focus on Tucker decomposition which represents an Nth-order tensor in terms of N factor matrices and a core tensor via multilinear operations.

Image Inpainting Recommendation Systems

Sparse Bayesian Dictionary Learning with a Gaussian Hierarchical Model

no code implementations7 Mar 2015 Linxiao Yang, Jun Fang, Hong Cheng, Hongbin Li

In this paper, we propose a new hierarchical Bayesian model for dictionary learning, in which a Gaussian-inverse Gamma hierarchical prior is used to promote the sparsity of the representation.

Bayesian Inference Dictionary Learning +1

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