Search Results for author: Linxun Chen

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Information Maximization via Variational Autoencoders for Cross-Domain Recommendation

no code implementations31 May 2024 Xuying Ning, Wujiang Xu, Xiaolei Liu, Mingming Ha, Qiongxu Ma, Youru Li, Linxun Chen, Yongfeng Zhang

We also propose a Generative Recommendation Framework combined with three regularizers inspired by the mutual information maximization (MIM) theory \cite{mcgill1954multivariate} to capture the semantic differences between a user's interests shared across domains and those specific to certain domains, as well as address the informational gap between a user's actual interaction sequences and the pseudo-sequences generated.

Denoising Disentanglement +1

Fine-Grained Dynamic Framework for Bias-Variance Joint Optimization on Data Missing Not at Random

no code implementations24 May 2024 Mingming Ha, Xuewen Tao, Wenfang Lin, Qionxu Ma, Wujiang Xu, Linxun Chen

In most practical applications such as recommendation systems, display advertising, and so forth, the collected data often contains missing values and those missing values are generally missing-not-at-random, which deteriorates the prediction performance of models.

Generalization Bounds Missing Values +1

Integrating Large Language Models with Graphical Session-Based Recommendation

no code implementations26 Feb 2024 Naicheng Guo, Hongwei Cheng, Qianqiao Liang, Linxun Chen, Bing Han

SBR has been primarily dominated by Graph Neural Networks, which have achieved many successful outcomes due to their ability to capture both the implicit and explicit relationships between adjacent behaviors.

Natural Language Understanding Session-Based Recommendations +2

Towards Open-world Cross-Domain Sequential Recommendation: A Model-Agnostic Contrastive Denoising Approach

1 code implementation8 Nov 2023 Wujiang Xu, Xuying Ning, Wenfang Lin, Mingming Ha, Qiongxu Ma, Qianqiao Liang, Xuewen Tao, Linxun Chen, Bing Han, Minnan Luo

Cross-domain sequential recommendation (CDSR) aims to address the data sparsity problems that exist in traditional sequential recommendation (SR) systems.

Denoising Sequential Recommendation

Rethinking Cross-Domain Sequential Recommendation under Open-World Assumptions

1 code implementation8 Nov 2023 Wujiang Xu, Qitian Wu, Runzhong Wang, Mingming Ha, Qiongxu Ma, Linxun Chen, Bing Han, Junchi Yan

To address these challenges under open-world assumptions, we design an \textbf{A}daptive \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{I}nterest \textbf{D}ebiasing framework for cross-domain sequential recommendation (\textbf{AMID}), which consists of a multi-interest information module (\textbf{MIM}) and a doubly robust estimator (\textbf{DRE}).

Sequential Recommendation

Neural Node Matching for Multi-Target Cross Domain Recommendation

no code implementations12 Feb 2023 Wujiang Xu, Shaoshuai Li, Mingming Ha, Xiaobo Guo, Qiongxu Ma, Xiaolei Liu, Linxun Chen, Zhenfeng Zhu

To tackle the aforementioned issues, we propose a simple-yet-effective neural node matching based framework for more general CDR settings, i. e., only (few) partially overlapped users exist across domains and most overlapped as well as non-overlapped users do have sparse interactions.

Heterogeneous Information Crossing on Graphs for Session-based Recommender Systems

no code implementations24 Oct 2022 Xiaolin Zheng, Rui Wu, Zhongxuan Han, Chaochao Chen, Linxun Chen, Bing Han

HICG utilizes multiple types of user behaviors in the sessions to construct heterogeneous graphs, and captures users' current interests with their long-term preferences by effectively crossing the heterogeneous information on the graphs.

Contrastive Learning Recommendation Systems +1

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