no code implementations • 17 May 2023 • Chengcheng Han, Liqing Cui, Renyu Zhu, Jianing Wang, Nuo Chen, Qiushi Sun, Xiang Li, Ming Gao
In this paper, we introduce gradient descent into black-box tuning scenario through knowledge distillation.
no code implementations • 4 Aug 2015 • Shun Li, Changye Zhu, Liqing Cui, Nan Zhao, Baobin Li, Tingshao Zhu
By using the NaiveBayes, RandomForests, libSVM and SMO classification, the recognition rate of natural and unnatural emotions can reach above 70%. It is concluded that using the Kinect system can be a new method in recognition of emotions.
no code implementations • 3 Aug 2015 • Liqing Cui, Shun Li, Wan Zhang, Zhan Zhang, Tingshao Zhu
Emotion identification from gait aims to automatically determine persons affective state, it has attracted a great deal of interests and offered immense potential value in action tendency, health care, psychological detection and human-computer(robot) interaction. In this paper, we propose a new method of identifying emotion from natural walking, and analyze the relevance between the traits of walking and affective states.