Search Results for author: Liqun Fu

Found 14 papers, 0 papers with code

Integrated Sensing and Communications for Low-Altitude Economy: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

no code implementations5 Dec 2024 Xiaowen Ye, Yuyi Mao, Xianghao Yu, Shu Sun, Liqun Fu, Jie Xu

The expected communication sum-rate over a given flight period is maximized by jointly optimizing the beamforming at the GBS and UAVs' trajectories, subject to the constraints on the average signal-to-noise ratio requirement for sensing, the flight mission and collision avoidance of UAVs, as well as the maximum transmit power at the GBS.

Collision Avoidance Deep Reinforcement Learning +1

Two-Stage Resource Allocation in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Hybrid Networks via Multi-Player Bandits

no code implementations9 Jun 2024 Jingwen Tong, Hongliang Zhang, Liqun Fu, Amir Leshem, Zhu Han

This paper considers a resource allocation problem where several Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices send data to a base station (BS) with or without the help of the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) assisted cellular network.

Thompson Sampling

Data-Driven Online Resource Allocation for User Experience Improvement in Mobile Edge Clouds

no code implementations6 Apr 2024 Liqun Fu, Jingwen Tong, Tongtong Lin, Jun Zhang

Due to the learned objective model is typically non-convex and challenging to solve in real-time, we leverage the Lyapunov optimization to decouple the long-term average constraint and apply the prime-dual method to solve this decoupled resource allocation problem.

From Learning to Analytics: Improving Model Efficacy with Goal-Directed Client Selection

no code implementations30 Mar 2024 Jingwen Tong, Zhenzhen Chen, Liqun Fu, Jun Zhang, Zhu Han

To address the challenges posed by system and data heterogeneities in the FL process, we study a goal-directed client selection problem based on the model analytics framework by selecting a subset of clients for the model training.

Federated Learning

Spatial Deep Learning for Site-Specific Movement Optimization of Aerial Base Stations

no code implementations16 Dec 2023 Jiangbin Lyu, Xu Chen, Jiefeng Zhang, Liqun Fu

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be utilized as aerial base stations (ABSs) to provide wireless connectivity for ground users (GUs) in various emergency scenarios.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Combating Multi-path Interference to Improve Chirp-based Underwater Acoustic Communication

no code implementations29 Nov 2023 Wenjun Xie, Enqi Zhang, Lizhao You, Deqing Wang, Zhaorui Wang, Liqun Fu

Linear chirp-based underwater acoustic communication has been widely used due to its reliability and long-range transmission capability.

Towards Scalable Wireless Federated Learning: Challenges and Solutions

no code implementations8 Oct 2023 Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Haibo Zhou, Jingjing Wang, Liqun Fu, Yang Yang

The explosive growth of smart devices (e. g., mobile phones, vehicles, drones) with sensing, communication, and computation capabilities gives rise to an unprecedented amount of data.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

Machine Learning for Large-Scale Optimization in 6G Wireless Networks

no code implementations3 Jan 2023 Yandong Shi, Lixiang Lian, Yuanming Shi, Zixin Wang, Yong Zhou, Liqun Fu, Lin Bai, Jun Zhang, Wei zhang

The sixth generation (6G) wireless systems are envisioned to enable the paradigm shift from "connected things" to "connected intelligence", featured by ultra high density, large-scale, dynamic heterogeneity, diversified functional requirements and machine learning capabilities, which leads to a growing need for highly efficient intelligent algorithms.

Computational Efficiency Deep Reinforcement Learning +4

Quick and Reliable LoRa Physical-layer Data Aggregation through Multi-Packet Reception

no code implementations13 Dec 2022 Lizhao You, Zhirong Tang, Pengbo Wang, Zhaorui Wang, Haipeng Dai, Liqun Fu

Trace-driven simulation results show that the symbol demodulation algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art MPR decoder by 5. 3$\times$ in terms of physical-layer throughput, and the soft decoder is more robust to unavoidable adverse phase misalignment and estimation error in practice.


Federated Learning via Intelligent Reflecting Surface

no code implementations10 Nov 2020 Zhibin Wang, Jiahang Qiu, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Liqun Fu, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Lataief

To optimize the learning performance, we formulate an optimization problem that jointly optimizes the device selection, the aggregation beamformer at the base station (BS), and the phase shifts at the IRS to maximize the number of devices participating in the model aggregation of each communication round under certain mean-squared-error (MSE) requirements.

Federated Learning

Energy-Efficient Cyclical Trajectory Design for UAV-Aided Maritime Data Collection in Wind

no code implementations2 Jun 2020 Yifan Zhang, Jiangbin Lyu, Liqun Fu

We aim to minimize the UAV's energy consumption in completing the task by jointly optimizing the communication time scheduling among the buoys and the UAV's flight trajectory subject to wind effect, which is a non-convex problem and difficult to solve optimally.


Federated Machine Learning for Intelligent IoT via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

no code implementations13 Apr 2020 Kai Yang, Yuanming Shi, Yong Zhou, Zhanpeng Yang, Liqun Fu, Wei Chen

Intelligent Internet-of-Things (IoT) will be transformative with the advancement of artificial intelligence and high-dimensional data analysis, shifting from "connected things" to "connected intelligence".

BIG-bench Machine Learning Self-Driving Cars

Placement Optimization of Aerial Base Stations with Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations19 Nov 2019 Jin Qiu, Jiangbin Lyu, Liqun Fu

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be utilized as aerial base stations (ABSs) to assist terrestrial infrastructure for keeping wireless connectivity in various emergency scenarios.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

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