Search Results for author: Lisa Amini

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Queried Unlabeled Data Improves and Robustifies Class-Incremental Learning

no code implementations15 Jun 2022 Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang

Inspired by the recent success of learning robust models with unlabeled data, we explore a new robustness-aware CIL setting, where the learned adversarial robustness has to resist forgetting and be transferred as new tasks come in continually.

Adversarial Robustness class-incremental learning +2

Optimizer Amalgamation

1 code implementation ICLR 2022 Tianshu Huang, Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang

Selecting an appropriate optimizer for a given problem is of major interest for researchers and practitioners.

How Much Automation Does a Data Scientist Want?

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Dakuo Wang, Q. Vera Liao, Yunfeng Zhang, Udayan Khurana, Horst Samulowitz, Soya Park, Michael Muller, Lisa Amini

There is an active research thread in AI, \autoai, that aims to develop systems for automating end-to-end the DS/ML Lifecycle.

AutoML Marketing +1

Training Stronger Baselines for Learning to Optimize

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Tianlong Chen, Weiyi Zhang, Jingyang Zhou, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang

Learning to optimize (L2O) has gained increasing attention since classical optimizers require laborious problem-specific design and hyperparameter tuning.

Imitation Learning Rolling Shutter Correction

Adversarial Robustness: From Self-Supervised Pre-Training to Fine-Tuning

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Yu Cheng, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang

We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves large performance margins (eg, 3. 83% on robust accuracy and 1. 3% on standard accuracy, on the CIFAR-10 dataset), compared with the conventional end-to-end adversarial training baseline.

Adversarial Robustness

Zeroth-Order Stochastic Variance Reduction for Nonconvex Optimization

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2018 Sijia Liu, Bhavya Kailkhura, Pin-Yu Chen, Pai-Shun Ting, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini

As application demands for zeroth-order (gradient-free) optimization accelerate, the need for variance reduced and faster converging approaches is also intensifying.

Material Classification Stochastic Optimization

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