Search Results for author: Lisa Brown

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Moments in Time Dataset: one million videos for event understanding

4 code implementations9 Jan 2018 Mathew Monfort, Alex Andonian, Bolei Zhou, Kandan Ramakrishnan, Sarah Adel Bargal, Tom Yan, Lisa Brown, Quanfu Fan, Dan Gutfruend, Carl Vondrick, Aude Oliva

We present the Moments in Time Dataset, a large-scale human-annotated collection of one million short videos corresponding to dynamic events unfolding within three seconds.

Action Recognition Diversity +2

A Data-Driven Approach to Pre-Operative Evaluation of Lung Cancer Patients

no code implementations21 Jul 2017 Oleksiy Budilovsky, Golnaz Alipour, Andre Knoesen, Lisa Brown, Soheil Ghiasi

Consequently, a subset of such patients is asked to undergo standard pulmonary function tests, such as cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPET) or stair climbs, to have their pulmonary function evaluated.

General Classification

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