Search Results for author: Liusheng Huang

Found 11 papers, 8 papers with code

SemiSFL: Split Federated Learning on Unlabeled and Non-IID Data

1 code implementation29 Jul 2023 Yang Xu, Yunming Liao, Hongli Xu, Zhipeng Sun, Liusheng Huang, Chunming Qiao

Federated Learning (FL) has emerged to allow multiple clients to collaboratively train machine learning models on their private data at the network edge.

Clustering Federated Learning

F3SNet: A Four-Step Strategy for QIM Steganalysis of Compressed Speech Based on Hierarchical Attention Network

1 code implementation13 Jan 2021 Chuanpeng Guo, Wei Yang, Liusheng Huang

Traditional machine learning-based steganalysis methods on compressed speech have achieved great success in the field of communication security.

Cryptography and Security

Revealing the Reciprocal Relations Between Self-Supervised Stereo and Monocular Depth Estimation

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Zhi Chen, Xiaoqing Ye, Wei Yang, Zhenbo Xu, Xiao Tan, Zhikang Zou, Errui Ding, Xinming Zhang, Liusheng Huang

Second, we introduce an occlusion-aware distillation (OA Distillation) module, which leverages the predicted depths from StereoNet in non-occluded regions to train our monocular depth estimation network named SingleNet.

Monocular Depth Estimation Stereo Matching

Segment as Points for Efficient Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Zhenbo Xu, Wei zhang, Xiao Tan, Wei Yang, Huan Huang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, Liusheng Huang

The resulting online MOTS framework, named PointTrack, surpasses all the state-of-the-art methods including 3D tracking methods by large margins (5. 4% higher MOTSA and 18 times faster over MOTSFusion) with the near real-time speed (22 FPS).

Multi-Object Tracking Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation +1

PointTrack++ for Effective Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation

1 code implementation3 Jul 2020 Zhenbo Xu, Wei zhang, Xiao Tan, Wei Yang, Xiangbo Su, Yuchen Yuan, Hongwu Zhang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, Liusheng Huang

In this work, we present PointTrack++, an effective on-line framework for MOTS, which remarkably extends our recently proposed PointTrack framework.

Data Augmentation Decoder +8

ZoomNet: Part-Aware Adaptive Zooming Neural Network for 3D Object Detection

1 code implementation1 Mar 2020 Zhenbo Xu, Wei zhang, Xiaoqing Ye, Xiao Tan, Wei Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, Ajin Meng, Liusheng Huang

The pipeline of ZoomNet begins with an ordinary 2D object detection model which is used to obtain pairs of left-right bounding boxes.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +2

Aggregating Votes with Local Differential Privacy: Usefulness, Soundness vs. Indistinguishability

no code implementations14 Aug 2019 Shaowei Wang, Jiachun Du, Wei Yang, Xinrong Diao, Zichun Liu, Yiwen Nie, Liusheng Huang, Hongli Xu

In this work, after theoretically quantifying the estimation error bound and the manipulating risk bound of the Laplace mechanism, we propose two mechanisms improving the usefulness and soundness simultaneously: the weighted sampling mechanism and the additive mechanism.

Decision Making Privacy Preserving

Towards End-to-End License Plate Detection and Recognition: A Large Dataset and Baseline

2 code implementations ECCV 2018 Zhenbo Xu, Wei Yang, Ajin Meng, Nanxue Lu, Huan Huang, Changchun Ying, Liusheng Huang

Most current license plate (LP) detection and recognition approaches are evaluated on a small and usually unrepresentative dataset since there are no publicly available large diverse datasets.

License Plate Detection Management +1

Personalized Classifier Ensemble Pruning Framework for Mobile Crowdsourcing

no code implementations25 Jan 2017 Shaowei Wang, Liusheng Huang, Pengzhan Wang, Hongli Xu, Wei Yang

One of the fundamental issue in ensemble learning is the trade-off between classification accuracy and computational costs, which is the goal of ensemble pruning.

Ensemble Learning Ensemble Pruning

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