Search Results for author: Lixu Gu

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Comprehensive Generative Replay for Task-Incremental Segmentation with Concurrent Appearance and Semantic Forgetting

1 code implementation28 Jun 2024 Wei Li, Jingyang Zhang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Lixu Gu

Generalist segmentation models are increasingly favored for diverse tasks involving various objects from different image sources.

Denoising Incremental Learning +2

A-Eval: A Benchmark for Cross-Dataset Evaluation of Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation

2 code implementations7 Sep 2023 Ziyan Huang, Zhongying Deng, Jin Ye, Haoyu Wang, Yanzhou Su, Tianbin Li, Hui Sun, Junlong Cheng, Jianpin Chen, Junjun He, Yun Gu, Shaoting Zhang, Lixu Gu, Yu Qiao

To address these questions, we introduce A-Eval, a benchmark for the cross-dataset Evaluation ('Eval') of Abdominal ('A') multi-organ segmentation.

Organ Segmentation Segmentation

SS-CADA: A Semi-Supervised Cross-Anatomy Domain Adaptation for Coronary Artery Segmentation

no code implementations6 May 2021 Jingyang Zhang, Ran Gu, Guotai Wang, Hongzhi Xie, Lixu Gu

To solve this problem, we propose a Semi-Supervised Cross-Anatomy Domain Adaptation (SS-CADA) which requires only limited annotations for coronary arteries in XAs.

Anatomy Coronary Artery Segmentation +2

Weakly Supervised Vessel Segmentation in X-ray Angiograms by Self-Paced Learning from Noisy Labels with Suggestive Annotation

no code implementations27 May 2020 Jingyang Zhang, Guotai Wang, Hongzhi Xie, Shuyang Zhang, Ning Huang, Shaoting Zhang, Lixu Gu

The segmentation of coronary arteries in X-ray angiograms by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is promising yet limited by the requirement of precisely annotating all pixels in a large number of training images, which is extremely labor-intensive especially for complex coronary trees.

Weakly-supervised Learning

A novel active learning framework for classification: using weighted rank aggregation to achieve multiple query criteria

no code implementations27 Sep 2018 Yu Zhao, Zhenhui Shi, Jingyang Zhang, Dong Chen, Lixu Gu

The proposed method serves as a heuristic means to select high-value samples of high scalability and generality and is implemented through a three-step process: (1) the transformation of the sample selection to sample ranking and scoring, (2) the computation of the self-adaptive weights of each criterion, and (3) the weighted aggregation of each sample rank list.

Active Learning General Classification

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