Search Results for author: Liyao Lyu

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

On the generalization ability of coarse-grained molecular dynamics models for non-equilibrium processes

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Liyao Lyu, Huan Lei

While a CG model can be constructed by projecting the full dynamics onto a set of resolved variables, the dynamics of the CG variables can recover the full dynamics only when the conditional distribution of the unresolved variables is close to the one associated with the particular projection operator.

Consensus-based construction of high-dimensional free energy surface

1 code implementation8 Nov 2023 Liyao Lyu, Huan Lei

One essential problem in quantifying the collective behaviors of molecular systems lies in the accurate construction of free energy surfaces (FESs).

Efficient Exploration

Reproducing Activation Function for Deep Learning

no code implementations13 Jan 2021 Senwei Liang, Liyao Lyu, Chunmei Wang, Haizhao Yang

We propose reproducing activation functions (RAFs) to improve deep learning accuracy for various applications ranging from computer vision to scientific computing.

Deep Learning Image Reconstruction +1

Enforcing exact boundary and initial conditions in the deep mixed residual method

1 code implementation4 Aug 2020 Liyao Lyu, Keke Wu, Rui Du, Jingrun Chen

In theory, boundary and initial conditions are important for the wellposedness of partial differential equations (PDEs).

Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis

Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling for machine-learning partial differential equations

no code implementations5 Nov 2019 Jingrun Chen, Rui Du, Panchi Li, Liyao Lyu

Often, a deep neural network outperforms classical numerical methods in terms of both accuracy and efficiency.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Numerical Integration

A QMC-deep learning method for diffusivity estimation in random domains

no code implementations31 Oct 2019 Liyao Lyu, Zhiwen Zhang, Jingrun Chen

Exciton diffusion plays a vital role in the function of many organic semiconducting opto-electronic devices, where an accurate description requires precise control of heterojunctions.

Experimental Design

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