Search Results for author: Long Qian

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Grounded Answers for Multi-agent Decision-making Problem through Generative World Model

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Zeyang Liu, Xinrui Yang, Shiguang Sun, Long Qian, Lipeng Wan, Xingyu Chen, Xuguang Lan

The simulator is a world model that separately learns dynamics and reward, where the dynamics model comprises an image tokenizer as well as a causal transformer to generate interaction transitions autoregressively, and the reward model is a bidirectional transformer learned by maximizing the likelihood of trajectories in the expert demonstrations under language guidance.

EVD Surgical Guidance with Retro-Reflective Tool Tracking and Spatial Reconstruction using Head-Mounted Augmented Reality Device

no code implementations27 Jun 2023 Haowei Li, Wenqing Yan, Du Liu, Long Qian, Yuxing Yang, Yihao Liu, Zhe Zhao, Hui Ding, Guangzhi Wang

The head surface is reconstructed using depth data for spatial registration, avoiding fixing tracking targets rigidly on the patient's skull.


Dilated Context Integrated Network with Cross-Modal Consensus for Temporal Emotion Localization in Videos

1 code implementation3 Aug 2022 Juncheng Li, Junlin Xie, Linchao Zhu, Long Qian, Siliang Tang, Wenqiao Zhang, Haochen Shi, Shengyu Zhang, Longhui Wei, Qi Tian, Yueting Zhuang

In this paper, we introduce a new task, named Temporal Emotion Localization in videos~(TEL), which aims to detect human emotions and localize their corresponding temporal boundaries in untrimmed videos with aligned subtitles.

Emotion Classification Temporal Action Localization +1

Compositional Temporal Grounding with Structured Variational Cross-Graph Correspondence Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Juncheng Li, Junlin Xie, Long Qian, Linchao Zhu, Siliang Tang, Fei Wu, Yi Yang, Yueting Zhuang, Xin Eric Wang

To systematically measure the compositional generalizability of temporal grounding models, we introduce a new Compositional Temporal Grounding task and construct two new dataset splits, i. e., Charades-CG and ActivityNet-CG.

Diversity Semantic correspondence +1

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