Search Results for author: Longfei Liang

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Hyper-Transformer for Amodal Completion

no code implementations30 May 2024 Jianxiong Gao, Xuelin Qian, Longfei Liang, Junwei Han, Yanwei Fu

The multi-scale features from the image branch guide the hyper transformer in learning shape priors and in generating the weights for dynamic convolution tailored to each instance.

Online Sequence Clustering Algorithm for Video Trajectory Analysis

no code implementations15 May 2023 Aximu Yuemaier, Xiaogang Chen, Xingyu Qian, Longfei Liang, Shunfeng Li, Zhitang Song

Target tracking and trajectory modeling have important applications in surveillance video analysis and have received great attention in the fields of road safety and community security.

Clustering Incremental Learning +2

Adaptive Multi-Agent Continuous Learning System

1 code implementation15 Dec 2022 Xingyu Qian, Aximu Yuemaier, Longfei Liang, Wen-Chi Yang, Xiaogang Chen, Shunfen Li, Weibang Dai, Zhitang Song

We propose an adaptive multi-agent clustering recognition system that can be self-supervised driven, based on a temporal sequences continuous learning mechanism with adaptability.

Clustering Temporal Sequences +1

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