Search Results for author: Lorena Qendro

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

UR2M: Uncertainty and Resource-Aware Event Detection on Microcontrollers

no code implementations14 Feb 2024 Hong Jia, Young D. Kwon, Dong Ma, Nhat Pham, Lorena Qendro, Tam Vu, Cecilia Mascolo

This limitation hinders the feasibility of many important on-device wearable event detection (WED) applications, such as heart attack detection.

Event Detection Uncertainty Quantification

Balancing Continual Learning and Fine-tuning for Human Activity Recognition

no code implementations4 Jan 2024 Chi Ian Tang, Lorena Qendro, Dimitris Spathis, Fahim Kawsar, Akhil Mathur, Cecilia Mascolo

These schemes re-purpose contrastive learning for knowledge retention and, Kaizen combines that with self-training in a unified scheme that can leverage unlabelled and labelled data for continual learning.

Continual Learning Continual Self-Supervised Learning +4

Kaizen: Practical Self-supervised Continual Learning with Continual Fine-tuning

1 code implementation30 Mar 2023 Chi Ian Tang, Lorena Qendro, Dimitris Spathis, Fahim Kawsar, Cecilia Mascolo, Akhil Mathur

Kaizen is able to balance the trade-off between knowledge retention and learning from new data with an end-to-end model, paving the way for practical deployment of continual learning systems.

Continual Learning Knowledge Distillation +1

Enhancing the Security & Privacy of Wearable Brain-Computer Interfaces

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Zahra Tarkhani, Lorena Qendro, Malachy O'Connor Brown, Oscar Hill, Cecilia Mascolo, Anil Madhavapeddy

Consequently, they are susceptible to a multiplicity of attacks across the hardware, software, and networking stacks used that can leak users' brainwave data or at worst relinquish control of BCI-assisted devices to remote attackers.

Uncertainty-Aware COVID-19 Detection from Imbalanced Sound Data

no code implementations5 Apr 2021 Tong Xia, Jing Han, Lorena Qendro, Ting Dang, Cecilia Mascolo

To handle these issues, we propose an ensemble framework where multiple deep learning models for sound-based COVID-19 detection are developed from different but balanced subsets from original data.


The Benefit of the Doubt: Uncertainty Aware Sensing for Edge Computing Platforms

no code implementations11 Feb 2021 Lorena Qendro, Jagmohan Chauhan, Alberto Gil C. P. Ramos, Cecilia Mascolo

To meet the energy and latency requirements of these embedded platforms the framework is built from the ground up to provide predictive uncertainty based only on one forward pass and a negligible amount of additional matrix multiplications with theoretically proven correctness.


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