Search Results for author: Louis Chevallier

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

S2F2: Self-Supervised High Fidelity Face Reconstruction from Monocular Image

no code implementations15 Mar 2022 Abdallah Dib, Junghyun Ahn, Cedric Thebault, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Louis Chevallier

We present a novel face reconstruction method capable of reconstructing detailed face geometry, spatially varying face reflectance from a single monocular image.

3D Face Reconstruction Self-Supervised Learning +1

Practical Face Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Tracing

1 code implementation13 Jan 2021 Abdallah Dib, Gaurav Bharaj, Junghyun Ahn, Cédric Thébault, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Marco Romeo, Louis Chevallier

The proposed method models scene illumination via a novel, parameterized virtual light stage, which in-conjunction with differentiable ray-tracing, introduces a coarse-to-fine optimization formulation for face reconstruction.

3D geometry Attribute +1

Face Reflectance and Geometry Modeling via Differentiable Ray Tracing

no code implementations3 Oct 2019 Abdallah Dib, Gaurav Bharaj, Junghyun Ahn, Cedric Thebault, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Louis Chevallier

We present a novel strategy to automatically reconstruct 3D faces from monocular images with explicitly disentangled facial geometry (pose, identity and expression), reflectance (diffuse and specular albedo), and self-shadows.

Finding beans in burgers: Deep semantic-visual embedding with localization

1 code implementation CVPR 2018 Martin Engilberge, Louis Chevallier, Patrick Pérez, Matthieu Cord

Several works have proposed to learn a two-path neural network that maps images and texts, respectively, to a same shared Euclidean space where geometry captures useful semantic relationships.

Cross-Modal Retrieval Image Captioning +2

Hybrid multi-layer Deep CNN/Aggregator feature for image classification

no code implementations13 Mar 2015 Praveen Kulkarni, Joaquin Zepeda, Frederic Jurie, Patrick Perez, Louis Chevallier

A second variant of our approach that includes the fully connected DCNN layers significantly outperforms Fisher vector schemes and performs comparably to DCNN approaches adapted to Pascal VOC 2007, yet at only a small fraction of the training and testing cost.

Classification General Classification +1

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