Search Results for author: Louis Filstroff

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Learning Relevant Contextual Variables Within Bayesian Optimization

no code implementations23 May 2023 Julien Martinelli, Ayush Bharti, Armi Tiihonen, S. T. John, Louis Filstroff, Sabina J. Sloman, Patrick Rinke, Samuel Kaski

Contextual Bayesian Optimization (CBO) efficiently optimizes black-box functions with respect to design variables, while simultaneously integrating contextual information regarding the environment, such as experimental conditions.

Bayesian Optimization Model Selection

Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Optimization with Unreliable Information Sources

1 code implementation25 Oct 2022 Petrus Mikkola, Julien Martinelli, Louis Filstroff, Samuel Kaski

Over the past decade, many algorithms have been proposed to integrate cheaper, lower-fidelity approximations of the objective function into the optimization process, with the goal of converging towards the global optimum at a reduced cost.

Bayesian Optimization

Bayesian Optimization Augmented with Actively Elicited Expert Knowledge

no code implementations18 Aug 2022 Daolang Huang, Louis Filstroff, Petrus Mikkola, Runkai Zheng, Samuel Kaski

We design a multi-task learning architecture for this task, with the goal of jointly eliciting the expert knowledge and minimizing the objective function.

Bayesian Optimization Multi-Task Learning

Approximate Bayesian Computation with Domain Expert in the Loop

1 code implementation28 Jan 2022 Ayush Bharti, Louis Filstroff, Samuel Kaski

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a popular likelihood-free inference method for models with intractable likelihood functions.

Active Learning Dimensionality Reduction

Targeted Active Learning for Bayesian Decision-Making

no code implementations8 Jun 2021 Louis Filstroff, Iiris Sundin, Petrus Mikkola, Aleksei Tiulpin, Juuso Kylmäoja, Samuel Kaski

Active learning is usually applied to acquire labels of informative data points in supervised learning, to maximize accuracy in a sample-efficient way.

Active Learning Decision Making

A Comparative Study of Gamma Markov Chains for Temporal Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

1 code implementation23 Jun 2020 Louis Filstroff, Olivier Gouvert, Cédric Févotte, Olivier Cappé

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a well-established class of methods for the analysis of non-negative data.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

A Ranking Model Motivated by Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Applications to Tennis Tournaments

no code implementations15 Mar 2019 Rui Xia, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Louis Filstroff, Cédric Févotte

We propose a novel ranking model that combines the Bradley-Terry-Luce probability model with a nonnegative matrix factorization framework to model and uncover the presence of latent variables that influence the performance of top tennis players.

Bayesian Mean-parameterized Nonnegative Binary Matrix Factorization

1 code implementation17 Dec 2018 Alberto Lumbreras, Louis Filstroff, Cédric Févotte

In some cases, the analysis of binary matrices can be tackled with nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), where the observed data matrix is approximated by the product of two smaller nonnegative matrices.

Dictionary Learning valid

Closed-form Marginal Likelihood in Gamma-Poisson Matrix Factorization

no code implementations ICML 2018 Louis Filstroff, Alberto Lumbreras, Cédric Févotte

We present novel understandings of the Gamma-Poisson (GaP) model, a probabilistic matrix factorization model for count data.

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