Search Results for author: Lu-An Tang

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Accelerating Dependency Graph Learning from Heterogeneous Categorical Event Streams via Knowledge Transfer

no code implementations25 Aug 2017 Chen Luo, Zhengzhang Chen, Lu-An Tang, Anshumali Shrivastava, Zhichun Li

Given a well-trained dependency graph from a source domain and an immature dependency graph from a target domain, how can we extract the entity and dependency knowledge from the source to enhance the target?

Graph Learning Intrusion Detection +1

Entity Embedding-based Anomaly Detection for Heterogeneous Categorical Events

no code implementations26 Aug 2016 Ting Chen, Lu-An Tang, Yizhou Sun, Zhengzhang Chen, Kai Zhang

Anomaly detection plays an important role in modern data-driven security applications, such as detecting suspicious access to a socket from a process.

Anomaly Detection

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