Search Results for author: Luanzheng Guo

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Final Report for CHESS: Cloud, High-Performance Computing, and Edge for Science and Security

no code implementations21 Oct 2024 Nathan Tallent, Jan Strube, Luanzheng Guo, Hyungro Lee, Jesun Firoz, Sayan Ghosh, Bo Fang, Oceane Bel, Steven Spurgeon, Sarah Akers, Christina Doty, Erol Cromwell

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's LDRD "Cloud, High-Performance Computing (HPC), and Edge for Science and Security" (CHESS) has developed a set of interrelated capabilities for enabling distributed scientific workflows and curating datasets.

OPDR: Order-Preserving Dimension Reduction for Semantic Embedding of Multimodal Scientific Data

no code implementations15 Aug 2024 Chengyu Gong, Gefei Shen, Luanzheng Guo, Nathan Tallent, Dongfang Zhao

In order to develop such an OPDR method, our central hypothesis is that by analyzing the intrinsic relationship among key parameters during the dimension-reduction map, a quantitative function may be constructed to reveal the correlation between the target (lower) dimensionality and other variables.

Dimensionality Reduction

SAM-I-Am: Semantic Boosting for Zero-shot Atomic-Scale Electron Micrograph Segmentation

1 code implementation9 Apr 2024 Waqwoya Abebe, Jan Strube, Luanzheng Guo, Nathan R. Tallent, Oceane Bel, Steven Spurgeon, Christina Doty, Ali Jannesari

To enable rapid adaptation of the best segmentation technology, we propose the concept of semantic boosting: given a zero-shot foundation model, guide its segmentation and adjust results to match domain expectations.

Autonomous Driving Image Segmentation +2

Im2win: An Efficient Convolution Paradigm on GPU

1 code implementation25 Jun 2023 Shuai Lu, Jun Chu, Luanzheng Guo, Xu T. Liu

Convolution is the most time-consuming operation in deep neural network operations, so its performance is critical to the overall performance of the neural network.

Indoor Frame Recovery from Refined Line Segments

no code implementations30 Apr 2017 Luanzheng Guo, Jun Chu

First, the line segments are refined by four consecutive operations, i. e., reclassifying, connecting, fitting, and voting.

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