Search Results for author: Luca Sanguinetti

Found 25 papers, 8 papers with code

Harnessing Wavefront Curvature and Spatial Correlation in Noncoherent MIMO Communications

no code implementations29 Jan 2025 Aniol Martí, Luca Sanguinetti, Meritxell Lamarca, Jaume Riba

Noncoherent communication systems have regained interest due to the growing demand for high-mobility and low-latency applications.


Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO OFDM with Phase Noise-Aware Channel Estimation: Separate and Shared LOs

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Yibo Wu, Luca Sanguinetti, Musa Furkan Keskin, Ulf Gustavsson, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Henk Wymeersch

Based on our OFDM signal model, we propose two PN-aware channel and common phase error estimators: a distributed estimator for uncorrelated PN with separate LOs and a centralized estimator with shared LOs.

Optimizing RIS Impairments through Semantic Communication

no code implementations10 Oct 2024 Nour Hello, Mattia Merluzzi, Emilio Calvanese Strinati, Luca Sanguinetti

This paper investigates how semantic communication can effectively influence and potentially redefine the limitations imposed by physical layer settings.

Semantic Communication

Optimal Dual-Polarized Planar Arrays for Massive Capacity Over Point-to-Point MIMO Channels

no code implementations4 Dec 2023 Amna Irshad, Alva Kosasih, Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti

We optimize the rank and condition number by identifying the optimal antenna spacing in dual-polarized planar antenna arrays with imperfect isolation.

Impact of Phase Noise on Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO OFDM

no code implementations21 May 2023 Yibo Wu, Luca Sanguinetti, Ulf Gustavsson, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Henk Wymeersch

Cell-Free massive MIMO networks provide huge power gains and resolve inter-cell interference by coherent processing over a massive number of distributed instead of co-located antennas in access points (APs).

Exploiting Array Geometry for Reduced-Subspace Channel Estimation in RIS-Aided Communications

no code implementations23 May 2022 Özlem Tuğfe Demir, Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti

A reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) can be used to improve the channel gain between a base station (BS) and user equipment (UE), but only if its $N$ reflecting elements are configured properly.

Rate-Splitting assisted Massive Machine-Type Communications in Cell-Free Massive MIMO

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Anup Mishra, Yijie Mao, Luca Sanguinetti, Bruno Clerckx

This letter focuses on integrating rate-splitting multiple-access (RSMA) with time-division-duplex Cell-free Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) for massive machine-type communications.

Cramér-Rao Bounds for Holographic Positioning

no code implementations3 Nov 2021 Antonio A. D'Amico, Andrea de Jesus Torres, Luca Sanguinetti, Moe Win

Multiple antennas arrays play a key role in wireless networks for communications but also for localization and sensing applications.


Nyquist-Sampling and Degrees of Freedom of Electromagnetic Fields

no code implementations21 Sep 2021 Andrea Pizzo, Andrea de Jesus Torres, Luca Sanguinetti, Thomas L. Marzetta

A signal space approach is presented to study the Nyquist sampling, number of degrees of freedom and reconstruction of an electromagnetic field under arbitrary scattering conditions.

Wavenumber-Division Multiplexing in Line-of-Sight Holographic MIMO Communications

no code implementations23 Jun 2021 Luca Sanguinetti, Antonio A. D'Amico, Merouane Debbah

The simplest implementation provides the same spectral efficiency of a singular-value decomposition architecture with water-filling when the receiver size is comparable to the transmission range.

Electromagnetic Interference in RIS-Aided Communications

no code implementations21 Jun 2021 Andrea de Jesus Torres, Luca Sanguinetti, Emil Björnson

The model is used to show that electromagnetic interference has a non-negligible impact on communication performance, especially when the size of the RIS grows large.

Cramér-Rao Bounds for Near-Field Localization

no code implementations30 Apr 2021 Andrea de Jesus Torres, Antonio Alberto D'Amico, Luca Sanguinetti, Moe Z. Win

Multiple antenna arrays play a key role in wireless networks for communications but also localization and sensing.

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A Signal Processing Perspective With Wireless Applications

2 code implementations1 Feb 2021 Emil Björnson, Henk Wymeersch, Bho Matthiesen, Petar Popovski, Luca Sanguinetti, Elisabeth de Carvalho

We will provide the formulas and derivations that are required to understand and analyze RIS-aided systems using signal processing, and exemplify how they can be utilized for improved communication, localization, and sensing.

Near- and Far-Field Communications with Large Intelligent Surfaces

no code implementations27 Nov 2020 Andrea de Jesus Torres, Luca Sanguinetti, Emil Björnson

This paper studies the uplink spectral efficiency (SE) achieved by two single-antenna user equipments (UEs) communicating with a Large Intelligent Surface (LIS), defined as a planar array consisting of $N$ antennas that each has area $A$.

Power Scaling Laws and Near-Field Behaviors of Massive MIMO and Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces

1 code implementation12 Feb 2020 Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti

In this paper, we use a deterministic propagation model for a planar array of arbitrary size, to demonstrate that the mentioned SNR behaviors, and associated power scaling laws, only apply in the far-field.

Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

Scalable Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

1 code implementation8 Aug 2019 Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti

The main challenge is to achieve the benefits of cell-free operation in a practically feasible way, with computational complexity and fronthaul requirements that are scalable to large networks with many users.

Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

Making Cell-Free Massive MIMO Competitive With MMSE Processing and Centralized Implementation

1 code implementation25 Mar 2019 Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti

Cell-free Massive MIMO is considered as a promising technology for satisfying the increasing number of users and high rate expectations in beyond-5G networks.

Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

User Association and Load Balancing for Massive MIMO through Deep Learning

no code implementations17 Dec 2018 Alessio Zappone, Luca Sanguinetti, Merouane Debbah

This work investigates the use of deep learning to perform user cell association for sum-rate maximization in Massive MIMO networks.

Deep Learning Power Allocation in Massive MIMO

no code implementations10 Dec 2018 Luca Sanguinetti, Alessio Zappone, Merouane Debbah

The use of deep learning significantly improves the complexity-performance trade-off of power allocation, compared to traditional optimization-oriented methods.

Deep Learning

Hardware Distortion Correlation Has Negligible Impact on UL Massive MIMO Spectral Efficiency

1 code implementation5 Nov 2018 Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti, Jakob Hoydis

To determine when this approximation is accurate, basic properties of distortion correlation are first uncovered.

Information Theory Information Theory

Online convex optimization and no-regret learning: Algorithms, guarantees and applications

no code implementations12 Apr 2018 E. Veronica Belmega, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Romain Negrel, Luca Sanguinetti

Spurred by the enthusiasm surrounding the "Big Data" paradigm, the mathematical and algorithmic tools of online optimization have found widespread use in problems where the trade-off between data exploration and exploitation plays a predominant role.

Metric Learning

Massive MIMO has Unlimited Capacity

1 code implementation1 May 2017 Emil Björnson, Jakob Hoydis, Luca Sanguinetti

The capacity of cellular networks can be improved by the unprecedented array gain and spatial multiplexing offered by Massive MIMO.

Information Theory Information Theory

Distributed stochastic optimization via matrix exponential learning

no code implementations3 Jun 2016 Panayotis Mertikopoulos, E. Veronica Belmega, Romain Negrel, Luca Sanguinetti

In this paper, we investigate a distributed learning scheme for a broad class of stochastic optimization problems and games that arise in signal processing and wireless communications.

Stochastic Optimization valid

Optimal Design of Energy-Efficient Multi-User MIMO Systems: Is Massive MIMO the Answer?

1 code implementation24 Mar 2014 Emil Björnson, Luca Sanguinetti, Jakob Hoydis, Mérouane Debbah

Numerical and analytical results show that the maximal EE is achieved by a massive MIMO setup wherein hundreds of antennas are deployed to serve a relatively large number of users using ZF processing.

Information Theory Networking and Internet Architecture Information Theory

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