Search Results for author: Lucas Bordeaux

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Banded Matrix Operators for Gaussian Markov Models in the Automatic Differentiation Era

no code implementations26 Feb 2019 Nicolas Durrande, Vincent Adam, Lucas Bordeaux, Stefanos Eleftheriadis, James Hensman

Banded matrices can be used as precision matrices in several models including linear state-space models, some Gaussian processes, and Gaussian Markov random fields.

Gaussian Processes State Space Models +1

The Complexity of Integer Bound Propagation

no code implementations16 Jan 2014 Lucas Bordeaux, George Katsirelos, Nina Narodytska, Moshe Y. Vardi

An important question is therefore whether strongly-polynomial algorithms exist that compute the common bound consistent fixpoint of a set of constraints.

A Unifying Framework for Structural Properties of CSPs: Definitions, Complexity, Tractability

no code implementations15 Jan 2014 Lucas Bordeaux, Marco Cadoli, Toni Mancini

Literature on Constraint Satisfaction exhibits the definition of several structural properties that can be possessed by CSPs, like (in)consistency, substitutability or interchangeability.

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