Search Results for author: Lucas Lacasa

Found 10 papers, 2 papers with code

Towards certification: A complete statistical validation pipeline for supervised learning in industry

no code implementations4 Nov 2024 Lucas Lacasa, Abel Pardo, Pablo Arbelo, Miguel Sánchez, Pablo Yeste, Noelia Bascones, Alejandro Martínez-Cava, Gonzalo Rubio, Ignacio Gómez, Eusebio Valero, Javier de Vicente

Methods of Machine and Deep Learning are gradually being integrated into industrial operations, albeit at different speeds for different types of industries.

Dynamical stability and chaos in artificial neural network trajectories along training

1 code implementation8 Apr 2024 Kaloyan Danovski, Miguel C. Soriano, Lucas Lacasa

The process of training an artificial neural network involves iteratively adapting its parameters so as to minimize the error of the network's prediction, when confronted with a learning task.

An effective theory of collective deep learning

1 code implementation19 Oct 2023 Lluís Arola-Fernández, Lucas Lacasa

Unraveling the emergence of collective learning in systems of coupled artificial neural networks points to broader implications for machine learning, neuroscience, and society.

Deep Learning

Predicting e-commerce customer conversion from minimal temporal patterns on symbolized clickstream trajectories

no code implementations3 Jul 2019 Jacopo Tagliabue, Lucas Lacasa, Ciro Greco, Mattia Pavoni, Andrea Polonioli

Knowing if a user is a buyer or window shopper solely based on clickstream data is of crucial importance for e-commerce platforms seeking to implement real-time accurate NBA (next best action) policies.

Prediction is very hard, especially about conversion. Predicting user purchases from clickstream data in fashion e-commerce

no code implementations30 Jun 2019 Luca Bigon, Giovanni Cassani, Ciro Greco, Lucas Lacasa, Mattia Pavoni, Andrea Polonioli, Jacopo Tagliabue

Knowing if a user is a buyer vs window shopper solely based on clickstream data is of crucial importance for ecommerce platforms seeking to implement real-time accurate NBA (next best action) policies.

Effect of antipsychotics on community structure in functional brain networks

no code implementations31 May 2018 Ryan Flanagan, Lucas Lacasa, Emma K. Towlson, Sang Hoon Lee, Mason A. Porter

This suggests that Aripiprazole has a significant and measurable effect on community structure in healthy individuals but not in individuals who are diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Visibility graphs for image processing

no code implementations19 Apr 2018 Jacopo Iacovacci, Lucas Lacasa

The family of image visibility graphs (IVGs) have been recently introduced as simple algorithms by which scalar fields can be mapped into graphs.

Classification General Classification +1

Emergence of linguistic laws in human voice

no code implementations9 Oct 2016 Ivan Gonzalez Torre, Bartolo Luque, Lucas Lacasa, Jordi Luque, Antoni Hernandez-Fernandez

This means that inferences of statistical patterns of language in acoustics are biased by the arbitrary, language-dependent segmentation of the signal, and virtually precludes the possibility of making comparative studies between human voice and other animal communication systems.

Sequential visibility-graph motifs

no code implementations1 Dec 2015 Jacopo Iacovacci, Lucas Lacasa

Visibility algorithms transform time series into graphs and encode dynamical information in their topology, paving the way for graph-theoretical time series analysis as well as building a bridge between nonlinear dynamics and network science.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Speech earthquakes: scaling and universality in human voice

no code implementations5 Aug 2014 Jordi Luque, Bartolo Luque, Lucas Lacasa

We first show that during speech the energy is unevenly released and power-law distributed, reporting a universal robust Gutenberg-Richter-like law in speech.

Speech Synthesis

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