1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2023 • Viorica Pătrăucean, Lucas Smaira, Ankush Gupta, Adrià Recasens Continente, Larisa Markeeva, Dylan Banarse, Skanda Koppula, Joseph Heyward, Mateusz Malinowski, Yi Yang, Carl Doersch, Tatiana Matejovicova, Yury Sulsky, Antoine Miech, Alex Frechette, Hanna Klimczak, Raphael Koster, Junlin Zhang, Stephanie Winkler, Yusuf Aytar, Simon Osindero, Dima Damen, Andrew Zisserman, João Carreira
We propose a novel multimodal video benchmark - the Perception Test - to evaluate the perception and reasoning skills of pre-trained multimodal models (e. g. Flamingo, SeViLA, or GPT-4).
Ranked #1 on Point Tracking on Perception Test
1 code implementation • 23 Jan 2023 • Adrià Recasens, Jason Lin, Joāo Carreira, Drew Jaegle, Luyu Wang, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Pauline Luc, Antoine Miech, Lucas Smaira, Ross Hemsley, Andrew Zisserman
Attention-based models are appealing for multimodal processing because inputs from multiple modalities can be concatenated and fed to a single backbone network - thus requiring very little fusion engineering.
3 code implementations • 7 Nov 2022 • Carl Doersch, Ankush Gupta, Larisa Markeeva, Adrià Recasens, Lucas Smaira, Yusuf Aytar, João Carreira, Andrew Zisserman, Yi Yang
Generic motion understanding from video involves not only tracking objects, but also perceiving how their surfaces deform and move.
1 code implementation • Deep Mind 2022 • Viorica Pătrăucean, Lucas Smaira, Ankush Gupta, Adrià Recasens Continente, Larisa Markeeva, Dylan Banarse, Mateusz Malinowski, Yi Yang, Carl Doersch, Tatiana Matejovicova, Yury Sulsky, Antoine Miech, Skanda Koppula, Alex Frechette, Hanna Klimczak, Raphael Koster, Junlin Zhang, Stephanie Winkler, Yusuf Aytar, Simon Osindero, Dima Damen, Andrew Zisserman and João Carreira
We propose a novel multimodal benchmark – the Perception Test – that aims to extensively evaluate perception and reasoning skills of multimodal models.
no code implementations • ACL 2021 • Cesar Ilharco, Afsaneh Shirazi, Arjun Gopalan, Arsha Nagrani, Blaz Bratanic, Chris Bregler, Christina Funk, Felipe Ferreira, Gabriel Barcik, Gabriel Ilharco, Georg Osang, Jannis Bulian, Jared Frank, Lucas Smaira, Qin Cao, Ricardo Marino, Roma Patel, Thomas Leung, Vaiva Imbrasaite
How information is created, shared and consumed has changed rapidly in recent decades, in part thanks to new social platforms and technologies on the web.
no code implementations • 28 Nov 2020 • Edward Lockhart, Neil Burch, Nolan Bard, Sebastian Borgeaud, Tom Eccles, Lucas Smaira, Ray Smith
We introduce a human-compatible reinforcement-learning approach to a cooperative game, making use of a third-party hand-coded human-compatible bot to generate initial training data and to perform initial evaluation.
no code implementations • 21 Oct 2020 • Lucas Smaira, João Carreira, Eric Noland, Ellen Clancy, Amy Wu, Andrew Zisserman
We describe the 2020 edition of the DeepMind Kinetics human action dataset, which replenishes and extends the Kinetics-700 dataset.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2020 • Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Adrià Recasens, Rosalia Schneider, Relja Arandjelović, Jason Ramapuram, Jeffrey De Fauw, Lucas Smaira, Sander Dieleman, Andrew Zisserman
In particular, we explore how best to combine the modalities, such that fine-grained representations of the visual and audio modalities can be maintained, whilst also integrating text into a common embedding.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2020 • Gunnar A. Sigurdsson, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Aida Nematzadeh, Lucas Smaira, Mateusz Malinowski, João Carreira, Phil Blunsom, Andrew Zisserman
Given this shared embedding we demonstrate that (i) we can map words between the languages, particularly the 'visual' words; (ii) that the shared embedding provides a good initialization for existing unsupervised text-based word translation techniques, forming the basis for our proposed hybrid visual-text mapping algorithm, MUVE; and (iii) our approach achieves superior performance by addressing the shortcomings of text-based methods -- it is more robust, handles datasets with less commonality, and is applicable to low-resource languages.
4 code implementations • CVPR 2020 • Antoine Miech, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Lucas Smaira, Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
Annotating videos is cumbersome, expensive and not scalable.
Ranked #3 on Action Recognition on RareAct