Search Results for author: Luis Bolanos

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Gaussian Shadow Casting for Neural Characters

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Luis Bolanos, Shih-Yang Su, Helge Rhodin

Combined with a deferred neural rendering model, our Gaussian shadows enable Lambertian shading and shadow casting with minimal overhead.

Neural Rendering

A Scalable Workflow to Build Machine Learning Classifiers with Clinician-in-the-Loop to Identify Patients in Specific Diseases

no code implementations18 May 2022 Jingqing Zhang, Atri Sharma, Luis Bolanos, Tong Li, Ashwani Tanwar, Vibhor Gupta, Yike Guo

This paper proposes a scalable workflow which leverages both structured data and unstructured textual notes from EHRs with techniques including NLP, AutoML and Clinician-in-the-Loop mechanism to build machine learning classifiers to identify patients at scale with given diseases, especially those who might currently be miscoded or missed by ICD codes.

AutoML Specificity

Clinical Utility of the Automatic Phenotype Annotation in Unstructured Clinical Notes: ICU Use Cases

no code implementations24 Jul 2021 Jingqing Zhang, Luis Bolanos, Ashwani Tanwar, Julia Ive, Vibhor Gupta, Yike Guo

We propose the automatic annotation of phenotypes from clinical notes as a method to capture essential information, which is complementary to typically used vital signs and laboratory test results, to predict outcomes in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


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