no code implementations • NAACL (AmericasNLP) 2021 • Manuel Mager, Arturo Oncevay, Abteen Ebrahimi, John Ortega, Annette Rios, Angela Fan, Ximena Gutierrez-Vasques, Luis Chiruzzo, Gustavo Giménez-Lugo, Ricardo Ramos, Ivan Vladimir Meza Ruiz, Rolando Coto-Solano, Alexis Palmer, Elisabeth Mager-Hois, Vishrav Chaudhary, Graham Neubig, Ngoc Thang Vu, Katharina Kann
This paper presents the results of the 2021 Shared Task on Open Machine Translation for Indigenous Languages of the Americas.
no code implementations • GWC 2016 • Matias Herrera, Javier Gonzalez, Luis Chiruzzo, Dina Wonsever
Although there are currently several versions of Princeton WordNet for different languages, the lack of development of some of these versions does not make it possible to use them in different Natural Language Processing applications.
no code implementations • NAACL (AmericasNLP) 2021 • Santiago Góngora, Nicolás Giossa, Luis Chiruzzo
While Guarani is widely spoken in South America, obtaining a large amount of Guarani text from the web is hard.
no code implementations • GWC 2018 • Alfonso Methol, Guillermo López, Juan Álvarez, Luis Chiruzzo, Dina Wonsever
We present some strategies for improving the Spanish version of WordNet, part of the MCR, selecting new lemmas for the Spanish synsets by translating the lemmas of the corresponding English synsets.
1 code implementation • ComputEL (ACL) 2022 • Santiago Góngora, Nicolás Giossa, Luis Chiruzzo
Machine translation for low-resource languages, such as Guarani, is a challenging task due to the lack of data.
1 code implementation • LREC 2022 • Luis Chiruzzo, Santiago Góngora, Aldo Alvarez, Gustavo Giménez-Lugo, Marvin Agüero-Torales, Yliana Rodríguez
This work presents a parallel corpus of Guarani-Spanish text aligned at sentence level.
no code implementations • loresmt (COLING) 2022 • Luis Chiruzzo, Euan McGill, Santiago Egea-Gómez, Horacio Saggion
This paper presents a series of experiments on translating between spoken Spanish and Spanish Sign Language glosses (LSE), including enriching Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems with linguistic features, and creating synthetic data to pretrain and later on finetune a neural translation model.
1 code implementation • 24 Sep 2023 • Santiago Góngora, Luis Chiruzzo, Gonzalo Méndez, Pablo Gervás
In role-playing games a Game Master (GM) is the player in charge of the game, who must design the challenges the players face and narrate the outcomes of their actions.
no code implementations • 12 Sep 2023 • Luis Chiruzzo, Marvin Agüero-Torales, Gustavo Giménez-Lugo, Aldo Alvarez, Yliana Rodríguez, Santiago Góngora, Thamar Solorio
We present the first shared task for detecting and analyzing code-switching in Guarani and Spanish, GUA-SPA at IberLEF 2023.
1 code implementation • 15 Feb 2023 • Abteen Ebrahimi, Arya D. McCarthy, Arturo Oncevay, Luis Chiruzzo, John E. Ortega, Gustavo A. Giménez-Lugo, Rolando Coto-Solano, Katharina Kann
However, the languages most in need of automatic alignment are low-resource and, thus, not typically included in the pretraining data.
no code implementations • 23 Aug 2022 • J. A. Meaney, Steven R. Wilson, Luis Chiruzzo, Walid Magdy
Computational humor detection systems rarely model the subjectivity of humor responses, or consider alternative reactions to humor - namely offense.
no code implementations • SEMEVAL 2021 • J. A. Meaney, Steven Wilson, Luis Chiruzzo, Adam Lopez, Walid Magdy
Our subtasks were binary humor detection, prediction of humor and offense ratings, and a novel controversy task: to predict if the variance in the humor ratings was higher than a specific threshold.
1 code implementation • ACL 2022 • Abteen Ebrahimi, Manuel Mager, Arturo Oncevay, Vishrav Chaudhary, Luis Chiruzzo, Angela Fan, John Ortega, Ricardo Ramos, Annette Rios, Ivan Meza-Ruiz, Gustavo A. Giménez-Lugo, Elisabeth Mager, Graham Neubig, Alexis Palmer, Rolando Coto-Solano, Ngoc Thang Vu, Katharina Kann
Continued pretraining offers improvements, with an average accuracy of 44. 05%.
no code implementations • WS 2020 • Luis Chiruzzo, Dina Wonsever
This paper presents the development of a deep parser for Spanish that uses a HPSG grammar and returns trees that contain both syntactic and semantic information.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Ahmed Abura{'}ed, Horacio Saggion, Luis Chiruzzo
Related work sections or literature reviews are an essential part of every scientific article being crucial for paper reviewing and assessment.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Luis Chiruzzo, Pedro Amarilla, Adolfo R{\'\i}os, Gustavo Gim{\'e}nez Lugo
This paper presents the development of a Guarani - Spanish parallel corpus with sentence-level alignment.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Luis Chiruzzo, Santiago Castro, Aiala Ros{\'a}
This paper presents the development of a corpus of 30, 000 Spanish tweets that were crowd-annotated with humor value and funniness score.
no code implementations • 17 Oct 2017 • Aiala Rosá, Luis Chiruzzo, Mathias Etcheverry, Santiago Castro
This article presents classifiers based on SVM and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for the TASS 2017 challenge on tweets sentiment analysis.
1 code implementation • WS 2018 • Santiago Castro, Luis Chiruzzo, Aiala Rosá, Diego Garat, Guillermo Moncecchi
Computational Humor involves several tasks, such as humor recognition, humor generation, and humor scoring, for which it is useful to have human-curated data.
no code implementations • RANLP 2017 • Ahmed Abura{'}ed, Luis Chiruzzo, Horacio Saggion
Current citation networks, which link papers by citation relationships (reference and citing paper), are useful to quantitatively understand the value of a piece of scientific work, however they are limited in that they do not provide information about what specific part of the reference paper the citing paper is referring to.