Search Results for author: Luis Romao

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Predicting Clinical Intent from Free Text Electronic Health Records

no code implementations25 Mar 2022 Kawsar Noor, Katherine Smith, Julia Bennett, Jade OConnell, Jessica Fisk, Monika Hunt, Gary Philippo, Teresa Xu, Simon Knight, Luis Romao, Richard JB Dobson, Wai Keong Wong

In this paper we train a machine learning model to detect a clinician's intent to follow up with a patient from the patient's clinical notes.


Deployment of a Free-Text Analytics Platform at a UK National Health Service Research Hospital: CogStack at University College London Hospitals

no code implementations15 Aug 2021 Kawsar Noor, Lukasz Roguski, Alex Handy, Roman Klapaukh, Amos Folarin, Luis Romao, Joshua Matteson, Nathan Lea, Leilei Zhu, Wai Keong Wong, Anoop Shah, Richard J Dobson

To tackle this problem at University College London Hospitals, we have deployed an enhanced version of the CogStack platform; an information retrieval platform with natural language processing capabilities which we have configured to process the hospital's existing and legacy records.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

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