Search Results for author: Lujia Jin

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Scribble Hides Class: Promoting Scribble-Based Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Its Class Label

1 code implementation27 Feb 2024 Xinliang Zhang, Lei Zhu, Hangzhou He, Lujia Jin, Yanye Lu

In this study, we propose a class-driven scribble promotion network, which utilizes both scribble annotations and pseudo-labels informed by image-level classes and global semantics for supervision.

Segmentation Weakly supervised Semantic Segmentation +1

Multi-level Asymmetric Contrastive Learning for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation Pre-training

no code implementations21 Sep 2023 Shuang Zeng, Lei Zhu, Xinliang Zhang, Qian Chen, Hangzhou He, Lujia Jin, Zifeng Tian, Qiushi Ren, Zhaoheng Xie, Yanye Lu

Moreover, we develop a multi-level contrastive learning strategy that integrates correspondences across feature-level, image-level, and pixel-level representations to ensure the encoder and decoder capture comprehensive details from representations of varying scales and granularities during the pre-training phase.

Contrastive Learning Decoder +4

One-Pot Multi-Frame Denoising

no code implementations18 Feb 2023 Lujia Jin, Shi Zhao, Lei Zhu, Qian Chen, Yanye Lu

Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the restriction of clean labels and make full use of noisy data for model training.

Denoising Diversity

Bagging Regional Classification Activation Maps for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

1 code implementation16 Jul 2022 Lei Zhu, Qian Chen, Lujia Jin, Yunfei You, Yanye Lu

Classification activation map (CAM), utilizing the classification structure to generate pixel-wise localization maps, is a crucial mechanism for weakly supervised object localization (WSOL).

Object Weakly-Supervised Object Localization

Content-Noise Complementary Learning for Medical Image Denoising

2 code implementations IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2022 Mufeng Geng, Xiangxi Meng, Jiangyuan Yu, Lei Zhu, Lujia Jin, Zhe Jiang, Bin Qiu, Hui Li, Hanjing Kong, Jianmin Yuan, Kun Yang, Hongming Shan, Hongbin Han, Zhi Yang, Qiushi Ren, Yanye Lu

In this study, we propose a simple yet effective strategy, the content-noise complementary learning (CNCL) strategy, in which two deep learning predictors are used to learn the respective content and noise of the image dataset complementarily.

Generative Adversarial Network Image Denoising +1

Background-aware Classification Activation Map for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

1 code implementation29 Dec 2021 Lei Zhu, Qi She, Qian Chen, Xiangxi Meng, Mufeng Geng, Lujia Jin, Zhe Jiang, Bin Qiu, Yunfei You, Yibao Zhang, Qiushi Ren, Yanye Lu

In our B-CAM, two image-level features, aggregated by pixel-level features of potential background and object locations, are used to purify the object feature from the object-related background and to represent the feature of the pure-background sample, respectively.

Classification Object +1

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